
Saturday 30 November 2013


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2013.



Biscuit proves that a sideways glance at the television is always going to be preferable over Mummy taking your photograph again.  I love her little half smirk, like she's up to something ever so slightly naughty.  Cheeky tinker.  Wiggles was having one of those days this week, I'm not quite sure what was the matter with her really.  Even bouncing on Mummy's bed (which usually cheers her up no end) couldn't bring a smile to her face.  Don't worry though, shortly after this picture was taken I managed to entertain her with my collection of nail varnish bottles which she very much enjoyed taking out of their box, and then putting back into their box.  My heart does do a little yelp at this picture nevertheless.

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Tuesday 26 November 2013

The Week That Was - Old Mugs, New Shoes & Washing Baskets.

Monday – there was terrible rain in the morning. We walked Biscuit to school with the rain falling straight towards our faces. Very British! My friend gave me the beautiful Christmas spice scented candle she'd made for me using a fabulous old mug I'd rescued from being thrown out by house clearance people. I'm so pleased with it. She's such a clever girl.

 "We" spent the morning cleaning and tidying up the house, then Impressive E and Beetle came for lunch. We had homemade soup and long chats about a crazy variety of subjects, it was lovely. After picking Biscuit up from school she and Wiggles entertained themselves by sitting in a washing basket together giggling.  Although Wiggles looks less than impressed in my picture...

In the evening I went to the Stitch and Bitch group in the local pub with my friend D. I made a crochet flower, did a bit more of my blanket and found a good home for a particularly delicious piece of chocolate brownie.

Tuesday – I went to baby group with Wiggles, who actually managed to behave for a change! Not a single baby got duffed up! I had the smug glow of someone who had already prepared their evening meal and left it to bubble away in the slow cooker. The smell of sausage and bean casserole met us on our return home. A trip to the supermarket in the afternoon saw us pick up a plentiful supply of vegetables for the week's soup  as well as some enormous jacket potatoes to go with our tea. 

Wednesday - work for me. Possibly the only highlight of this day was the butternut squash, sweet red pepper and smoked paprika soup I had made for lunch. Certainly one worth remembering! 

Thursday - Wiggles and I went to our local town in the morning and picked up a couple of Christmas presents. Few more off the list! Home for lunch, Mummy's genius invention - Red Leicester and grated carrot on top of jacket potato. The only way I can squeak raw veg into my lil' monkey! Then we picked up Biscuit from school and went to meet Tallulah for coffee. We walked around the Christmas section of a big department store, took the small people to see the big window display and generally had a lot of fun. Bought Biscuit a little pink toy, Wiggles chose a telescopic duster of all things! Couldn't get her to part with it! Crazy girl :)

Friday: work for me. Bought Christmas presents and curry during my lunch hour, could have been worse!

Saturday: Mr Husband Sir went to the football, so the wee ones and I had lunch with my Mum and Dad. Biscuit went out to the shops with them in the afternoon and Wiggles had her nap. When she came home Biscuit and I prepared her shoebox appeal shoebox full of bits to take to school next week. She wanted to send it to a little girl her own age, so that's what we had in mind when we chose our gifts. Biscuit played Scrabble with her Grandpa before bed, she loved it! She tried so hard.

Sunday - in the morning it was my turn to get up with the children. This sounds like its a terrible hardship, but they woke up around 8 o'clock so really, I count myself very lucky! We decided to resurrect Biscuit's rather large collection of Peppa Pig toys and created Peppa town in our sitting room. We had Peppa's house, school, the swings, Peppa's car and camper can as well as Grandpa Pig's train, oh yes and a rocketship! I think they enjoyed themselves. I love that Peppa Pig house, it's like a toddler friendly doll's house. It's nice and simple and fairly robust, which is good as ours has taken quite a battering! If anyone is considering getting one for Christmas I would highly recommend it. 

In the afternoon we went to a near (ish) shopping village/retail park and bought both girls new shoes. I hate spending my weekends in those kind of places, the people are so materialistic and rude.  We got in and got out as quickly as possible. The shoes are good, the experience less so. 

We went home for lunch, then out for a short walk as I was determined not to let a weekend pass without at least a little lovely cold fresh air! Mr Husband and I spent the evening eating Thai curry and watching The Tunnel. 

Hope you all had delicious weeks filled with loveliness! 

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Saturday 23 November 2013


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2013.

Out on a walk in the woods, yes again!  Wrapped up because of the cold, Wiggles in her sling, Biscuit off exploring ahead with Daddy.

I love Wiggles squashed up laughing face and her funny little teeth and I love the bounce in Biscuit's step.

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Wednesday 20 November 2013

We Like to Read - Hairy MacLary From Donaldson's Dairy

Reading has always played an important part in how we raise our children.  We have always read a book to Biscuit at bedtime, now she's a little older she reads her school book to us, then as a reward we read to her.

Wiggles has reached that lovely age where she can hold her own beaker of milk at night, which means we can start to introduce her to the joy of bedtime stories.  

One of the things I really enjoy about having a second child is reusing, rediscovering and enjoying old favourites. All Wiggles' books once belonged to Biscuit and hold some very happy memories. 

One of their favourites is/was Hairy MacLary from Donaldson's Dairy by Lynley Dodd. 

The book describes a trip headed by the super fluffy Hairy MacLary, followed by his doggy chums who all have excellent rhyming monikers including such wonders as Schnitzel Von Krumm with a very low tum. Their trip (we never find out what they were planning) is eventually cut short when they happen across Scarface Claw, the toughest tom in town, at which point they all, quite rightly, scarper! 

Wiggles loves Scarface Claw, it's her favourite part. She often waddles off to find the book during the day, opens it at the picture of Scarface Claw, waggles it in my face and declares "RARRRRR!" In a concerted effort to scare me witless!! 

I'm happily linking this post up with Fritha's lovely series "We Love to Read" over on her blog; Tigerlilly Quinn, for the first time. Do click the icon below for more information.


Have you ever read any of the Hairy MacLary series? I'd love to hear your thoughts....

Love, love,

Tuesday 19 November 2013

The Week That Was - Parties, Pictures & The Mothership

Last week we were busy bees as always. Here's what we did:

Monday: Biscuit went to school in the howling wind and rain and Wiggles and I went to her little friend Em's 1st Birthday at Tilly's house. It was lovely! There was bunting, Buck's Fizz and amazing cake! Wiggles was only a teeny bit naughty when she pulled Em's hair, but I'm putting it down to excitement...

Monday afternoon we collected Biscuit from school and she and Wiggles ate party biscuits. Mrs Robinson and little Hank came over to say hello and all three children enjoyed playing cars inside Dad's Land Rover. 

Tuesday: Wiggles and I went to baby group where Wiggles posed for some Christmas photographs taken by my lovely friend Dee. Tuesday after school Biscuit had ballet and came home with tales of graceful new moves learnt. She came home to a big hearty lasagne and ate and ate and ate!

Wednesday: work for me, school for Biscuit and Wiggles and Gran spent the day together. Someone stole Wiggles' special squash cup after it was accidentally forgotten at a coffee morning. Gran went back within half and hour and searched high and low, but nothing turned up. Poor Gran was very worried.

Thursday: Wiggles and I baked a cake for  me to take to WI that night. Wiggles "helped" me wash up and thought that was marvellous fun!

She can pitch in with that any old time!! WI had a lady racing driver as the speaker, who was really, really good. I didn't think I had the slightest interest in cars, but the ways she talked was fascinating, so engaging.

Friday: work, ugh. And curry, so not all bad.

Saturday: we completed a collection of geocaches we'd been slowly finding over a long time. The last one was called The Mothership. Biscuit "found" three in total and was very excited. On the way home we called into the supermarket and bought advent calendars for the girls. We had Chinese food for tea with Mum and Dad. Mr Husband and I were still hungry later and scoffed crisps secretly. Wiggles had croup and made a heartbreaking noise like a seal pup all night.

Sunday: we all went for lunch at a local pub. It didn't go well. Wiggles screamed and a fat-bottomed condescending woman tutted. Biscuit was a little sweetheart and made us all laugh by producing a silver coaster from her bag of toys, which she delicately slid beneath her lemonade glass without a word!


Me Husband and Biscuit went for a walk afterwards and Wiggles and I went home so she could have her nap. Much needed. When they came home we all sat and had a nice little tea together.  Roll on next week! 

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Saturday 16 November 2013


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2013.


Wiggles has a new game which she completely adores.  Although it did mean that I had to include photographs of both the games' stages.  Usually she quietly disappears off and I hear giggling from behind a curtain and spot a pair of badly hidden feet.  After playing "Where is Wiggles?  Where could she be?" for a little while she whips away the curtain and laughs at your stupidity and poor tracking skills!

This week Biscuit looks older to me.  I'm not sure how or why, she just looks, longer, somehow, like a bigger girl.  Of course she would insist that she's been a big girl for ages.  I suppose she must have growth spurts like every other child, but when you see someone all the time their growing
can go unnoticed.  It makes me happy to think that although she looks like she's that little bit older, her face still looks gentle and kind.

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Sunday 10 November 2013

This Weekend....

This weekend I have:

• Cleaned
• Gathered
• Packed
• Unpacked 
• Stood
• Sold 
• Counted
• Celebrated 
• Snoozed
• Collected
• Dropped off
• Explained
• Reassured
• Visited 
• Laughed 
• Bought 
• Cooked 
• Served 
• Enjoyed 
• Watched
• Slept

I think that pretty much covers everything! 

Hope your weekend's were good ones too? 

Love, love, 

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Oh yes, and Wiggles put a bucket on her head.....

Saturday 9 November 2013


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2013.

Wiggles now insists on doing, at least a version, of everything her sister does.  There's not much that she can't have a good old go at!  Sitting strapped in chairs is far to baby-ish for her, she wants to sit like a big girl, colour in like a big colours and be as grown up as she can.  Biscuit, bless her little heart, is very good at teaching her, with far more patience than I can sometimes muster.  Here, Wiggles takes all the lids off the colouring pens and has a scribble. Biscuit explains to her, gently and repeatedly, that she must try not to scribble on the table top, and that she really should try to replace the pen lids afterwards.  She, for some unknown reason, was also sticking stickers onto a cup.  Apparently it's a present for someone, my generous little soul.

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Thursday 7 November 2013


Hello Lovelies!

Once again I am very happy to be joining in with Ot and Et and Harvesting Kale and their marvellous "Currently" series.  Here's me:  

After trying my hardest to cut down on all the rubbish food I've been eating for so long I have found myself craving some unusual things.  I've always been someone who adores the sweetest of tastes, but lately I seem to have changed and have been hankering after spicy foods instead.  Bean chilli the other day with chipotle filled my heart with glee!  I gorged on the leftovers for three solid days and could happily have carried on.

This time last week little Biscuit was waiting so patiently for her Halloween party.  I had to bite my lip in the morning after she'd told me for the 400th time that she "couldn't wait for her Spooky Party".  It wasn't something that I was particularly looking forward to doing, but I came to realise that some times you have to push yourself forwards to make them happy.  

This time of year sees birthdays for my Mum, my Dad and my older brother.  They're all so close together that I live in fear of forgetting one of them.  I think I'm pretty well prepared this year, finding gifts, trying to make sure each person's day is memorable.  I've been remembering their favourite meals, what treats they like and other little things to make each feel special.  Must also remember that my brother hates Turkish Delight, but my Dad loves it.  I tend to get those two confused.....

Biscuit went back to school this week after her half term holiday.   As much as I miss her during the day I do find that I am liking the structure that this gives to my day.  I enjoy routine sometimes, and as sad as it may be it pleases me when I am on top of what I need to be doing and when....

I was given a soup machine by my parents as an early Christmas present.  It seemed silly to wait another two months when Autumn (in my head at least) is very much soup season.  So I've been cooking as many different varieties of soup as I can think of.  I say "cooking" in the loosest possible sense, as really my happy little soup kettle has been doing all the hard work.  I just fill her up with the raw ingredients and stand by impatiently.  Pumpkin soup featured last week (of course) but I am a little bored of pumpkins now, ours have been around for a while, so instead I give my pumpkin soup a Thai twist with lemongrass and red chilli.  Back to the spicy thing again!  Maybe it's the weather, I've been trying to banish the chill from my bones.

Join in?

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Sunday 3 November 2013

Mostly....#6 - Storms, Pumpkins, Killer Heels and Drunkards....

I'm not going to lie, it's been hectic round these parts lately.  Life takes over sometimes doesn't it and blogging takes a natural backseat.

I thought it was about time I brought you up to date with what's been happening....

Last time I wrote I mentioned (in this post) that I was heading out with some friends for a night out.  Nearly a year earlier, Mr Husband (after a considerable amount of badgering) bought me these shoes for Wiggles's Christening:

Image courtesy of newlook,com
Six inches of black suede heel and - squeeeeeee - tiny skulls!!  What could be more exciting?  Few things in life, surely?  After many faces pulled by my Mother, I decided that perhaps they weren't quite right for a Christening, and sadly these beautiful specimens remained unworn.  Until last week, when I decided that if I didn't wear six inch heels on a girl's night out, when the fluff was I going to wear them exactly?

So wear them I did!  And I hobbled and staggered, and danced and walked very, very carefully in them indeed and I still love them, still!  We had a great night.  Pizza and wine in Prezzo first of all, followed by cocktails then, slightly giddy dancing in, ugh, a nightclub!  I have pretty much always hated clubs, but if there are plenty of people I like going then I'm game!

I snaffled myself a new dress specially for the occasion and I was really, really pleased with it.  Particularly as it was only a measly £20 from Tesco!  I'm going to save it for my Christmas work do as it really is lovely, a little bit glamorous without being overdressed.

Sadly I didn't get a full length picture, but here is one of my lovely friend Tilly and I, with an obligatory glass of wine!

The following day my slightly fuzzy head needed to be outdoors having some cobwebs blown away.  We managed to find four - FOUR - geocaches in one day - a record for me!  Mr Husband was pleased as we seemed to find lots that had evaded us.  After that it was home again for a yummy meal for just Mr Husband and I, we don't get to do that often enough!

Sunday we had lunch with my Mum and Dad to celebrate my Mum's birthday.  We'd been told that there was a pretty big storm on the way and my Dad made jokes about having to dig out the candles - little did we know!!

Monday morning we woke up in the early hours to a power cut and A LOT of strong wind outside.  We checked the children and went back to sleep as there wasn't much else we could do.  When Mr Husband woke up for work at 7 o'clock the power had still not returned. Assuming it would be back on at any time we sat out the storm watching branches snap and leaves whirl madly around. Damage locally was quite extensive, lots of trees down, tiles dislodged and even some roof damage to local houses hit by trees. Power didn't return that evening, or the next morning, or the next evening! In fact it eventually came back on again on Wednesday evening. Three whole days and two nights without power was too much for me! We found candles, camping stoves and tea lights to see us through. We spent the dark evenings playing hungry hippos with the children before they went to bed, then reading books by candlelight after that. Eventually I'll probably look back on the experience fondly, but right now it's a little too fresh!! Partly because we'd been watching atop many episodes of The Walking Dead and I'd developed an irrational fear of after dark zombies and partly because I clearly rely far too heavily on mod cons for my own good, plus I'm quite partial to heating!!

Thankfully power was restored in time for Biscuit's long awaited Spooky Party! Five little five year old girls dressed as witches and pirates screamed around having a ball. They were all lovely and really well behaved. Biscuit is lucky to have such sweet friends. 

Then on Friday I went out with some of the lovely people I work with for a Thai meal after work. My very lovely friend Roo took us all to her brother's  restaurant in a town a little way away. The food was AMAZING ! Though I only managed a quick phone-shot of the starters, they didn't hang around for long!  I've never been out for Thai food before, but I will definitely have to go back. The diet went out the window for the night and I happily stuffed myself silly! 

I think that's everything!! Next weekend is my Village's Autumn Fair, I'm manning the children's stall and have been collecting toys, games and clothes all ready for what feels like ages! Fingers crossed it'll all go swimmingly! 
Love, love,
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Saturday 2 November 2013


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2013.

A Cat and a Pumpkin eat a lot of sweets!  This week Biscuit had her "Spooky Party" and obviously we had to include Wiggles.  They was much eating, laughing, dressing up, playing of games and fun.  I love how Wiggles is protecting the sweeties from her Uncle's hand in this picture, she does love her food!  Crafty little pumpkin.  I think Biscuit was pooped by this point, all partied out!

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