
Monday 30 June 2014

The Week That Was - Up and Out!

Last week, my week went a little something like this:

Monday - Dee came over for coffee in the morning (I am making a concerted effort to see her more after last week) and we had a good old chat.  Then, just as she was leaving the Blind Men turned up to fit lots of new blinds for us around the house.  Ahhh, the Blind Men, so many jokes.... Anyway, they look lovely and I'm dead pleased with them.  My Mum and Brother left for a week away on holiday with some friends, so we are left with two small pooches for company. After the school run I came home and cleared out Mr Husband' study.  It's been slowly taken over with toys during the decorating and I was starting to feel sorry for him losing his little space.  All empty now though!  We had mini-meatball pasta bake for tea, which I made using up four beefburgers that we had left over from Saturday.  I felt thrifty in a saintly way!  

Tuesday -  A pretty standard Tuesday for us, we went to baby group did the school run, nothing amazing happened.

Wednesday - Work for me, Mr Husband had to day off to look after Wiggles and Biscuit as Mum was away. I gave Mr Husband a long list of jobs to do like making the tea, doing the washing hoping that he'd be run off his feet, but dammit he managed to do everything AND clean the fishtank. Dammit

Thursday - I was dozey and left Biscuit's lunchbox at home so had to school run twice to take it in. Impressive E came over to paint Wiggles' wardrobe for me. She is a motherfluffin genius! Because Mum's away I had to take Biscuit to her ballet class. When we got home from school just before leaving I was in the kitchen making her a drink just before leaving and she came running down the stairs shouting "The fish! The fish!" I went upstairs to see what she was taking about and the new blind had blown a stone statue of Buddha off the windowsill and into the fish tank smashing it. There was water all over the carpet, all over the chair, running down the stairs, everywhere! The poor fish had about five minutes to live when I found him so I scooped him out the dregs at the bottom, chucked him into my biggest mixing bowl filled with water, chucked a couple of towels on the stairs and went to ballet! Poor Mr Husband had to but another fish tank on his way home from work!   In the evening I painted Wiggles' toybox (badly) and collected my Dad from the train station.

Friday - Day off for me, woooo wooo! We went to Tilly's house to play and Impressive E, Lucky and the kids joined us and we had baguettes for lunch. Yum! I took Wiggles home after we'd eaten as she was getting tired and yucky. After making the kids tea I started getting ready to go out. I met Jill and we walked round to meet Tilly, Impressive E and then Lucky at the pub. We all shared some scampi and chips before having lots of wine and some good chats. 

Check out the tiddly ladies and my "charming" village pub! 

Saturday - Lovely lay in for me. Me Husband took Biscuit to the cinema to see Malificent, Wiggles and I were happy mooching about. My new toy arrived in the post! 

A Jawbone Up activity tracker a gift from my lovely husband. I spent quite a whole obsessively finding out how works. Once I've been using it a while I will post a proper review. In the afternoon we went to the supermarket where we bought Wiggles a soft toy princess doll and Biscuit a Frozen sticker book, they were both very pleased. 

Sunday - I got up and Mr Husband had a lay in. We tidied up a bit and I started on making roast chicken for our lunch. After we'd eaten and Wiggles had her nap we went for a little walk to get some fresh air. In the evening we went to our neighbours house for drinks with lots of the other neighbours. We all get on very well, it was lovely. After coming home and putting the girls to bed Mr Husband and I ate cheese and biscuits together until we felt fat, fantastic! 

Well that was mine, how was yours?

Love, love,

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Sunday 29 June 2014


 A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2014.


Woooo wooo, half way!  This week both girls doing their favourite things, Biscuit sticking stickers into her Frozen sticker book, she is a child obsessed!  Whilst Wiggles happily hunkers down on my knee for another Peppa session.  Can't believe how tiny they both seemed at the half way point in last year's project.  Check them out here.  Hope you all have marvellous weeks!

Happily joining in with Jodi at Practising Simplicity and this year's 52 Project.

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Monday 23 June 2014


 A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2014.


Biscuit's Sports Day.  Poised at the start of the track, she went on to win the race.  The concentration versus speed were hard for her to master, but harder for her little friends.  She glanced at me (too many times probably) as I stood to the side and shouted encouragement, including such pearls as "Don't look at Mummy, just go, go, go!" And she was very proud to be given a first place sticker.  Her class were asked to wear red and white (the colours of the flag of Japan), it was so cold and miserable that she borrowed her baby sister's little fleece to try and keep her warm.  Strangely, it only looked a little too small on her, despite the four year difference between them.

Wiggles sports a happy smiley face and shows off her little mouth full of teeth.  I love that happy little face.  She definitely looks cheeky here, like she's plotting something, I dread to think what.   Her hair is still wispy and baby-like.  Strange to imagine what it will be like at the end of this 52 Project.  I might even manage to get a little bunch out of it, you never know!

Happily joining in with Jodi at Practising Simplicity and this year's 52 Project.

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The Week That Was - Strawberries, Sports Day & Daddy's New Car....

Last week, my week went a little something like this:

Monday - Mr Husband was slightly later into work as he had the Dentist first thing, I walked Biscuit to school, she was all excited about going to Princesses for tea.  As I was walking out of school Dee stopped me and asked if she could have a little word.  She asked if I was cross with her for any reason and explained that she felt I'd been a little distant.  I was mortified!  I hadn't felt at all cross with her and was very upset that she felt this way.  I reassured her that I felt nothing of the sort and we had a good hug and cleared the air.  It worries me that perhaps I am unintentionally exclusive, I don't mean to be.  I worry that I don't think enough.  I hope we've sorted "it" now though, whatever "it" was and I'm very glad she was able to voice her fears and give me chance to respond.  After getting home I whipped up to Homebase to buy some more yellow paint for the decorator as she'd run out.  In fact, the decorating was all finished by the evening and we started to move her back in after tea. 

In the evening I made a start on painting her chair to match her new decor and then we settled down to watch the Game of Thrones Season Finale. Man, it was good! Valar Morghulis! 

Tuesday -  Woke up early and grumpy for some reason. Biscuit had to go to school wearing red and white for a dance workshop, she was so excited. I did a bit of sorting out after the school run and finished painting the chair. Wiggles room is all clean and dry now so I moved her cot back in.  We nipped along to baby group for a coffee then came home for Wiggles' nap. We all went to the swings after school and after tea I put up pictures then went to pick allotment strawberries for a treat. Love fresh strawberries, warm from the sun. Yum.

I am never going to be a food photographer....
Wednesday - Work for me, another busy, but unremarkable day. I took in some strawberries for LB and I. Went to need early in the evening to finish my book, feeling a bit bleurgh. 

Thursday - Biscuit's Sports Day. Just as we were leaving she announced that she's lost her plimsolls and hasn't seen them for weeks, gah! Cue frantic searching at school, before her lovely Teaching Assistant found her a spare pair. Phew. The Headmaster (in his infinite wisdom) declared Sports Day would be an all day event so after the school run we came home and prepared a picnic before heading back out. 

Biscuit did really well, a first in the Egg & Spoon and in the Hoop Race, and she kept in smiling despite freezing cold grey weather, bless her. I'm not sure I could have done that! 

Friday - Work for me, it felt like a really long day. After work we had my manager Shoe's retirement party. It's going to be so sad without her, she's lovely. It was a good do though and it went well. Have a colleague a lift home so she could have a drink and didn't get in til 11 o'clock - shattered!!!

Saturday - Got up early (ish) to drive Ke Husband to a car showroom a couple of hours away to pick up his new car. He was very pleased with it. Poor boy had a bit of a mare when we got back though, I won't go into boring detail, but he ended up panicking for the rest of the day. Biscuit went to a party in the afternoon, driven by Dee and after tea we went to the supermarket where I picked up this fantastic book which is been hankering after for ages.

We had an early night because I was pooped, but becaus I've got a manky cold I still didn't sleep all that well. Hmph.

Sunday - Another early start, we took Mr Husband's old car to We Buy Any Car. Sad to say it go, but necessary. Afterwards we drive to Nana and Grandad's house for a lovely lunch. The children played beautifully together.

The sun was shining and we went to the swings together before returning for tea. A lovely relaxing day. 

Well that was mine, how was yours?

Love, love,

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Monday 16 June 2014

The Week That Was - Cava, Curry and Crazy Bedrooms...

Last week, my week went a little something like this:

Monday - The plasterer turned up!!! He actually turned up!!! Everything is back on track on the decorating front and my relief is ridiculous. It does seem that our walls have a weird way of rejecting all plaster, and even the newly skimmed walls had to be refilled where it was blown off, but it's ok (apparently) and as long as it stays put I don't care.

Lil flew by for a quick catch up. We had tea and fudge whilst Wiggles napped, lovely!  After school Lil's gorgeous little girl Princess came for tea, she really is a sweetie.  We got the paddling pool out, but we didn't have two swimming costumes, so instead we had two wet princesses in fancy dress, which they thought was marvellous!  

In the evening we watched Game of Thrones (amazing) and ate treacle sponge.  I inadvertently drank a bloody fly that had landed in my cup of tea, which made me feel thoroughly ill.  Ugh.

Tuesday -  Aunty Schubert and Baby Schubert came to visit and we went to baby group together.  They are both so scrummy! Afterwards we had lunch. Just look at that gorgeous little boy!  And Aunty Schubert is just a lovely Mummy, a complete natural with such a lovely way.

I paid a quick visit to the supermarket before Impressive E came over to collect the paint for the shelves she and Impressive D are making us.  I nearly had a heart attack when she opened the tin of paint that was supposed to be grey, I didn't realise that all the pigment had settled and it looked yellow!  Thankfully after a lot of stirring all was well.  Just as we were sitting down to an evening cuppa I noticed a bloody great rider-less horse bolt down the main road past our lounge window.  I ran out to see what had happened, I was afraid that it had thrown its rider onto the road, but despite a long walk up the hill to check I could see nothing.  It's still a mystery!  Scary though.

Wednesday - A fairly dull day, work for me, made slightly more exciting my scoffing copious amount of marshmallows.  At home the plaster had dried and the decorating of Wiggles bedroom could finally begin.  I cannot wait till it's all finished and we can get back to our version of normal.  In the evening Mr Husband and I watched The Big Bang Theory box set we'd just bought, yelling "BANG!" at the end of the theme tune each time.  Love him.

Thursday - After the school run we met Lucky, Dinky, Tilly, Em and Belle at Impressive E's to eat celebratory cake in honour of Beetle's first  birthday.  It was lovely!  The small children had a good play in the sunshine.  We came home and Wiggles had a nap before our lovely hairdresser arrived to cut everybody's hair.  We had Toad in the hole for tea, which I must say was rather excellent - well done Chef (me).  In the evening Mum and I went to WI where there was a lady speaker discussing Acupuncture.  It was quite fascinating.  I went into the evening assuming that it was just wafty nonsense for hippies, but came out with the belief that for a particular ailment it really does seem to be quite beneficial to some.  I appreciated hearing that it does actually have some medical basis and isn't just made up craziness.  Mr Husband was thrilled that I was out for the evening as he got to watch the opening of the World Cup uninterrupted.  Dull!  

Friday - Work for me, a very busy day!   I was dead chuffed to discover on coming home that the decorating was nearly there, very exciting!  It was also our 5th Wedding Anniversary, so we celebrated by having curry and Cava. 

My lovely supervisor PP had given me two very pretty dresses which she no longer wears so I spent a happy evening adjusting them whilst watching telly. 

Saturday - Impressive E, Impressive D,  Woolly and Beetle all came over so E and D could fit and paint the new shelves.  We all had lunch together with Mum, Dad, my brother and his girlfriend.  It was lovely! Very relaxed, it kind of felt like Christmas.  Impressive D and I got a little tiddly on Dad's wine.  We went up to the allotment whilst Impressive E finished off the painting.  Dee popped up to deliver some strawberry plants whilst we were there, which was very kind of her.  The finished shelves look fabulous.  I couldn't be more chuffed!  They're just want I wanted.

Aren't they gorgeous?  And it's extra bloody lovely that our two fabulous friends made them together, it warms my old lady's heart it does!  In the evening Mr Husband went over to Lis and Neat's house to watch the first England match of the World Cup - rather him than me!  I read my book and had an early night.

Sunday - We mostly just pottered around the house all day.  I sorted out Biscuit's wardrobe and tidied up upstairs a little.  In the afternoon I mostly ate minstrels and read my book before we all had a lovely roast dinner together.  Sometimes there's a lot to be said for doing very little!

Well that was mine, how was yours?

Love, love,

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Saturday 14 June 2014


 A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2014.


Enjoying a walk to the swings in the early evening sunshine.  Wiggles played on the seesaw, Princess in had, whilst Biscuit threw herself around on the bars pretending to be a Olympic gymnast.

Happily joining in with Jodi at Practising Simplicity and this year's 52 Project.

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Monday 9 June 2014

The Week That Was - Plaster Disaster...

Last week, my week went a little something like this:

Monday - Up early for a trip to Legoland! I have no idea why I agreed to go. Well I do, for the children. But I have to admit I hated every minute. It was packed, really, really packed. Even the journey was awful. Biscuit and Wiggles enjoyed it though! 

We were home quite late, after their bedtime so we had a quiet evening. 

Tuesday -  Wiggles and I went to baby group, it seems like ages since we were last there! It was lovely to catch up with everyone though. We came home to be told that there have been major problems with decorating Wiggles bedroom. Apparently all the plaster came off with the wallpaper so now we're stuck with a useless room that can't be decorated or lived in until it's all replastered.

Wednesday - Work for me. My only day this week so it was my Monday and my Friday! A nice day though, not too busy, not too quiet. After work I made two sponges for Wiggles birthday cake so they could really cool before being iced. 

Thursday - After walking Biscuit to school I iced Wiggles' cake. Pretty pleased with how it turned out! 

I cleaned the house ready for baby visitors then Wiggles had a nap. Impressive E popped over for a cuppa, then after we'd had tea and put the kids to bed I whipped out to Aldi to do the shopping. 

I'm a sucker for a meal plan, and got two weeks worth of food for £90 which I think is pretty good! I've been really enjoying reading A Girl Called Jack's blog and watching Jamie's Money Saving Meals and feel quite inspired to try and spend less, whilst still eating well. After coming home we watched telly and I wrapped Wiggles' Birthday presents. I was pooped by bedtime! 

Friday - Wiggles' 2nd Birthday!!! We were all up early to open her presents, then we had breakfast (fromage frais, her favourite) before walking Biscuit to school. Afterwards Wiggles' friends came  over to eat cake before going to the swings for a little picnic. 

We collected Biscuit from school then headed home to meet Nana and Grandad. I couldn't be arsed to cook in the evening so Mr Husband furnished us with a curry. Good man! 

Saturday - Friday had been so busy that all I craved was a nice quiet day!  Useful as it really threw it down in the morning anyway.  We all pottered about and I spent some time in the kitchen making us two yummy homemade meals.  The plasterer came over in the afternoon to have a butchers at Wiggles's bedroom before he (hopefully) starts work on Monday.  We all had early nights and generally recuperated.

Sunday - Impressive D came over first thing in the morning to begin working on the shelves that will be going into Wiggles' bedroom.  I made really yummy barbecue pulled pork for our lunch and felt thoroughly stuffed!  Impressive E popped over for a little while to check on progress and we sat the the garden having a chat.  Impressive D has done an amazing job with the boxing in, he's clever old chap and we are VERY lucky to have him helping us.

This may look like nothing to some, but it's HUGE progress to me!! You can see how awful the plaster looks after Tuesday's debacle, but hopefully it'll all be fixed again soon.

In the late afternoon we all went for a walk to the swings.  Wiggles made me laugh by insisting on taking her sheep handbag with her, which looked super cute!  I love the longer days, it's really nice to be able to go for a walk in the evening and still enjoy the sunshine.

Well that was mine, how was yours?

Love, love,

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Saturday 7 June 2014


 A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2014.



We are suckers for cakes and blues skies and daisies and fresh air!  Love Biscuit's puppy hands, they're so big compared to rest of her.  Love Wiggles' total inability to eat daintily!  Why should she!

Happily joining in with Jodi at Practising Simplicity and this year's 52 Project.

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Monday 2 June 2014

The Week That Was - The One With The Gangsta Baby...

Last week, my week went a little something like this:

Monday - Another Bank Holiday!!! We had a lovely lazy day, because the weather was pretty awful. Fairly early on we decided we MUST have nachos, so we bought the ingredients and had an indulgent lunch. I did A LOT of crochet. 

Tuesday -  The first "official" day of half term. We got up, tidied up and cowered from the rain. I finally finished my daisy blanket, and delivered it to its new owner, a very poorly little girl in Biscuit's class. Here's a finished picture:

Wednesday - Work for me. Still dreadful weather, rain, rain, rain. I went out at lunch to buy crayons for Wiggles' birthday next week and some juice, but I couldn't be bothered to do anything more it was so grim out! The most exciting thing about my day was how unexpectedly delicious my Marks & Spencer's juice was! 

If you see it, give it a go! 

Thursday - Finally less rain! We went for a walk with Mum and the dogs, it was lovely to get fresh air! We bumped into Impressive E and Woolly at the swings and had a chat. We came home and went to the supermarket to collect a dress I'd ordered:

Image courtesy of

I'd got high hopes as it looked really nice in the picture, but it was DREADFUL on me! Nasty thin material and an unflattering shape. Sigh. After coming home and having a yummy tuna salad for lunch we headed back out again to meet Tallulah. We had coffee then a wander round town. Here's Wiggles looking gangsta in Peacocks:

I bought myself a lovely pair of sunnies (not the ones pictured) which I love so much I'm considering an emergency second pair!

After getting home and having tea Mr Husband and I went out to the cinema to watch The Grand Budapest Hotel whilst Mum looked after the girls. It's so lovely to be able to hop off on a night out together. Loved the film too.

Friday - Work for me, made much more exciting because of an amazing lunchtime curry. 

Saturday - Up early with a noisy shouty child. Grrr. Yelling "Mumma! Up!" at six a.m is never going to be ok in my book. After Mr Husband joined us we had a yummy cooked breakfast then we decided that he needed to get some new shoes (he could wiggle his finger through a hole in his soles) so we all headed out to a shopping village not too far away.  He bought two pairs of shoes, I bought the girls ice creams!  We stopped at McDonalds for the children to have tea, they were chuffed to bits.  They got Enid Blyton books in their Happy Meals and Biscuit was so pleased that she could read it herself.

Sunday - My turn for a lovely long sleep.  Finally the weather seems to have changed a little and the sun was shining beautifully.  In the morning we emptied Wiggles' bedroom as she's having it decorated next week.  Then after lunch we went for a walk to the top of a nearby hill and took some cupcakes with us as a reward to scoff on the top!  

It was great fun and lovely to be out in the warm and the fresh air.  And not only did my Red Velvet Cake match my dress (hooo yeah) it was delicious too.  In the evening we made preparations for EEEEEEK LEGOLAND TOMORROW!!!!

Well that was mine, how was yours?

Love, love,

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