
Saturday 12 January 2013


A portrait of my children once a week, every week in 2013.

A week of firsts....

2/52 This Baby plays on the swings for the first time.

2/52 That Baby's first ballet lesson.


  1. I just love those snuggly suits! I can't wait until I have another little baby to dress in one of those. Beautiful ballet photo too, I'm thinking of starting my big girl with dance lessons this year.

  2. I just love those snuggly suits! I can't wait until I have another little baby to dress in one of those. Beautiful ballet photo too, I'm thinking of starting my big girl with dance lessons this year.

  3. Ahhh, congratulations on your imminent arrival Kylie! And thank you so much for following, I'm now very happy to be following you in return. How old is your big girl? Mine is four, she loved her first ballet lesson. I love those little suits too, though I suspect she'll be less than happy about being made to wear bear ears when she's 18! Have a lovely day, Kate :)

  4. Oh that smiley little one in her snuggly suit. All of my children at one point have been in a snuggly suit.

    First ballet lesson! Did she like it?

    1. She loved it! She said it was good because it was nice and quiet! Funny girl :)

      Just been looking at your pictures, they're beautiful, you're a very talented photographer :)

      Kate x

  5. Sweet. I'm taking my wee girl to her first ballet lesson tomorrow. I don't know who is more excited: she or me!!!

    1. Oh I hope you both enjoy it! It's a lovely thing to watch :) Kate x

  6. Sweet! Lovely pic of your future ballerina. Thanks for coming to visit the blog. Laura x

  7. Sweet! Lovely pic of your future ballerina. Thanks for coming to visit the blog. Laura x

  8. So sweet, your babes are lovely.
    Have a beautiful week.


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