
Monday 7 January 2013


I've decided that I'd like to join in with Jodi at Ché and Fidel and be a part of The 52 Project.

The idea is to create a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013. I love this, for me it'll be a wonderful thing to capture my children growing and changing over the course of a whole year. It's a given that at seven months old "This Baby" will change remarkably over this period, but I'm also fascinated to see the subtle changes that occur in my four year old daughter "That Baby" over the same twelve months.

And so we begin....

1/52 Its all about Ice Age right now.  Precious!!!!

1/52 - This Baby's new trick - sitting up!


  1. That is such a cute idea! I think I might have to involve myself with it too. The differences I bet will be amazing. I'm loving the Blog Hop, never taken part in one before but it's amazing seeing the people you meet. Thanks for stopping by my page

  2. I Do this every monday and love it! It pays off to go back and look on how much she has grown! thanks for stopping by my blog and following - I'm following you back! By the way, I tried respondong to your comment but it says you're a no-reply blogger - I have a spot on my blog called "blogging for newbies" that tells you how to fix this - I would highly recommend fixing it so people can reply back to ya! If you don't, you'll wonder why nobody wants to be your friend and never replies to your comments! hahaha. hope that helps!

  3. Thanks for following Kate. This is a great idea. I'm thinking of doing the same. Looking forward to seeing how much your lovely children grow.

    Harriet x


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