
Monday 21 January 2013

Trying to stay fashionable in the snow, aka dressing as a giantladypart....

I like to, at least try, to dress nicely whenever I can, this includes during snowy weather. Instead of being an excuse to shove on a wolf themed fleece (like some round these parts) I see it as an excuse to don my (always fake) fur coats a Cossack style hat and try my hardest to channel Elizabeth Taylor (ha!).

Last winter I blew my monthly clothing budget in one hit on what I thought was the most fabulously glamorous old Hollywood style fur collared coat. I swished into the office and was met with "oooooh's" from a couple of the more discerning ladies.

My old supervisor at the time was a distinguished gent. A nearly thirty year old, trapped within the body of, and complete with the mind of, a far older man. A very entertaining chap nonetheless. Almost too entertaining in truth, I barely got anything done. Anyway, he took one look at my fabulous new coat and declared that I look like a giant walking lady-part.

I haven't got a picture of me wearing it, so here's the promo shot. Your views please? Really? What's the first thing that springs to mind when you see it? It hadn't even occurred to me, but now it's all I see.
Image courtesy of Topshop

I must confess (and I'm not happy with myself about it) it HAS put me off wearing it a bit. Dressing like lady-bits isn't exactly the look I'm aiming for when I get dressed in the morning. I'd love to say sod it, stick it on and wear it out in the snow, but it's in the back of my mind that I might look a little, well obscene. Especially if anyone else clocks it and points it the similarity in the presence of small innocent children.

So....wear and to hell with it? Or save it for my next trip to London/Brighton/more open minded, less pervy, large town?


  1. Ha! Hilair! I love this coat, though. Don't let vadge thoughts get you down.
    (Also, I love coats, like really. But what I love even more is not having to wear them. At least for the next three years. Yay, equatorial living!!)

    1. Gosh, I can't even imagine not wearing a coat, it's bitter here! You're right, I should just wear it and those thoughts to the back of mind. AND DEFINITELY NOT SNIGGER! ;)

  2. I think you should wear it. It looks like a lovely coat.

    1. Thank you. If nothing else it is very warm :)


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