
Saturday 16 March 2013


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2013.

11/52 That Nose

11/52 Those teeth...

It was Red Nose Day this week, the 25th anniversary I believe.  Cue much fun and merriment in this house!  Silly hair at school day, red noses at dawn.  The childlike enthusiasm was lovely, something done so many times before for me, is entirely new for her.

This Baby has been suffering with her teeth this week.  She tries her best to stay cheerful, but by the end of the day she is pink cheeked and full of "Wah".  Poor little mite.  I feel for her.  But they do look cute, those little teeth of hers.

My favourite posts from last week have to be from Rebekka Seale you can just SEE the motherly love in this picture.  It's beautiful.

And from Erica at Expatria Baby she said it wasn't her best, but I still thought it was beautiful!

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  1. I can't believe your little one has the same amount of teeth as mine and your little girl is younger!

    They get more beautiful every week :)

    Amy x

    1. Thank you! Bless you x Teeth are funny things I think, we spend so long anticipating their arrival and they wreak havoc and take ages to show up don't they?

  2. Replies
    1. Ha! You're right! That hadn't even clicked...durr! ;)

  3. Teeth are the worst. Your girls are darling! And your Red Nose Day sounds like all kinds of fun and kiddy magic. No idea what this holiday is, but love that you guys get to celebrate it!

    1. Red Nose Day is great Lindsey! It raises money for a charity called Comic Relief, essentially everyone wears a red nose all day and dies silly things for sponsorship. Then in the evening lots of comedians take over the tellybox with amusing entertainment. We luffs it :)

  4. Awww how cute!!! She looks adorable with the teeth! And love that you make a big thing of red nose day in your house, good fun for a good cause :)

    Sparkles & Stretchmarks

    1. Thanks Hayley! We love RND, the kids think the whole idea is just brilliant :)

  5. Beautiful pictures!! Aw poor baby gosh I detested teething, felt so helpless for him and even took him twice to the dentist just to double check they were all through!! Your Red Nose Day sounded great xx

    1. Oh bless! At least he'll be ok with going in future! It is rotten isn't it? Poor things :)

  6. Lovely pictures. Red nose mania hit our house this week too. My son sneaked all his (and his brother's) pocket money into school to buy them. Last count was 21.... Oh dear.

    1. 21? Oh gosh!!! What a lot of good karma he's due! Apparently I bought "the wrong nose" initially as I went for the one with glasses on.,I had to buy the one with teeth as well, silly Mummy!

  7. A smile amidst the teething! Happy day :) x

    1. Indeed! I'm ashamed so say she's started to understand "Smile for Mummy!" Whilst I'm taking her picture!

  8. Aww your kids are so precious! Thanks for the kind words...pregnancy is hard, but so worth it!

    1. Thank you Sarah! Hope you're feeling a bit better, hang in there! :) xx

  9. Oh they are just so adorable! Beautiful pics!!! X

    1. Thank you! I think they're pretty cute too ;)

  10. Oh, teething. I remember when Stella was in the throws of that, and it was awful. She drooled, her cheeks were bright red, and she was so miserable. Funny thing though: In Japan, they way that teething doesn't hurt, it is "itchy". I would swear up and down that she was in pain, but everyone was all, nope. Itchy.
    Thanks for the mention on your blog. Much appreciated. Nice to see that others see beautify where I only see room for improvement.

    1. How funny! Itchy my arse! Those teeth have gotta hurt!

      You're welcome my dear, if I could take pictures half as beautiful I'd be a happy girl indeed :)


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