
Monday 11 March 2013

Cheat's pesto and other business...

First of all I want to start this post by announcing the winner of the Lovely Little Giveaway....congratulations to Joann at Woman in Real Life: The Art of Everyday.  I'm so pleased that Jo is our winner, she's lovely and her blog is fantastic.  Check it out!  I also want to say a massive thank you to Tabetha for putting the giveaway together and for all her hard work organising eight unruly bloggers.   You really are a marvel Tabetha!

I also wanted to say a huge and heartfelt thank you to each and every one of my wonderful followers. I am so grateful to anyone who would take the time to follow my blog or read my bits and bobs.  Whenever I have a little nose at my figures I am pleased as punch, thank you all so much.  If you have a blog yourself and you don't use it to follow, please let me know your URL so I can follow in return!

Right, back to business....

I am a bad Mummy sometimes when it comes to feeding my children. For some reason I get "Meal Blindness" when I try and think of a suitable nutritious meal for them to eat that doesn't take six hours to prepare. I am also prone to suffering from "Google Blindness". This does not involve looking up rude stuff on the interwebs until my eyes stop working. It is the far more common phenomenon of sitting in front of the Google homepage without a flippin' clue about what I was supposed to be looking up....

Anyway, I digress....usually my emergency spare tea for That Baby is pasta & pesto. Quick, simple and she loves it. I've always been a little concerned about the lack of vegetable matter in this dish, but I try to console myself with the thought that it does contain lots of basil and she doesn't have it that often.

Yesterday we'd eaten a big lunch (thanks Dad) so didn't want anything else to eat til late, but we needed to feed the little ones. No problem I thought, I'll crack out the pasta and pesto! Yes problem I discovered, no pesto. Drat!

So I improvised! I boiled the pasta as usual, took two frozen spinach blocks and popped them in a pan on the hob to cook through. Once they had I added a little grated mature cheddar and a little olive oil and stirred.

It looked like pesto. But it contained spinach. In our house spinach is an elusive vegetable, loved by me, but treated with deep suspicion by everyone else. It's my own fault, when she was very small I'd sneak some into quite a number of That Baby's dishes to alleviate my fear of bad things happening upon the presentation of vegetable free meals. What can I say, Annabel Karmel looked at me with those eyes, those disapproving, step away from the nuggets, eyes. My cover was eventually blown when I was unintentionally outed by another Mum who casually presented my daughter with a tea of macaroni cheese that wasn'!

Last night I didn't tell the little scamp that we had no pesto, I just gave her the spinach laced dish and remained silent. She asked no questions and wolfed the lot!

I spent the next hour feeling incredibly smug that I'd tricked her into eating an iron rich vegetable dish without her knowledge.

Admittedly it's not exactly the four year old's version of haute cuisine, but I like to think Annabel would at least tip me a wink for not calling on the services of Captain Birdseye.

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  1. Well done you! Looks great! Captain Birdseye is such a FRIEND though isn't he? ;)

  2. I bloody LOVE frozen spinach. It's my failsafe 'add to anything' when the fridge is empty. And the best bit? It defreezes into bits so tiny that the boy can't pick them out. x

    1. Ha! Me too! For pretty much exactly that reason! Yay for spinach!

  3. Good for you! That looks and sounds awesome! I'm the only one over here who will knowingly eat spinach as well... and also hide it in things every now and then... it's a hard one to hide, you have to keep a poker face like crazy, but when it goes over it feels so amazing! I have FED YOU ALL IRON! Whoohoo! xo

    1. Hahaha, do you get "Mummy, what's in this?" too? I am useless at the poker face, I end up getting cross and ordering "Eat your dinner!". I

  4. I'm forver trying to sneak vegetables in foods but they seem to be coming round to it a bit more. Spinach is so yummy, I don't know why more people don't like it, I guess they just don't think it's as pretty as lettuce. It sounds like an amazimg meal!

    Rhiannon x

    1. I could eat bags of spinach, I really could! I don't know why more people don't like it either, I think it may come down to the demise of Popeye. As a child that was the only reason I'd go near it!

  5. Do you know I have never tried spinach? This looks quite yummy thought...perhaps it's time I gave it a try!

    Lauren x

    1. Lauren, Lauren, Lauren, you've NEVER tried spinach? Why you're missing out on a whole world of iron rich green fun! I insist that you purchase spinach immediately then eat your bodyweight until you can comfortably say "mmmmmm, spinach" ;) xx

  6. mwahhhahahhahaa! That is great! It looks delicious too :)

    1. Lived your evil laugh Andrea! To be honest I was expecting it to be a bit rubbish, but it wasn't half bad!!

  7. I have the same conflicts with feeding my kids...and they're not all babies anymore. My fifteen year old son walked into the kitchen after school today with a box of mac and cheese in his back pocket. He doesn't like my healthy snack suggestions.

    Bravo for working the spinach in! Your writing sparkles. It is fun to read. Lynaea @

    1. Thanks Lynaea! It doesn't get any easier as they get older then? Must find more sneaky ways...

  8. Mmmmm, I'm liking this very much. I've a bag of spinach in the freezer (I usually make sag aloo with it) and I'm a gonna use it and try it on my daughter. Yay *genuinely excited*! xx

    1. Hope it goes well Loo! Let me know? Thank you so much for following, I'm following you back, your blog is aces! :) x

  9. Thank you so much Maria, you're most kind :)


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