
Friday 22 March 2013

So.....what's been happening your end?

Yesterday was a lovely day.  This Baby and I dropped That Baby off at school and then we went round to Belle's house for a cuppa with lots of my other favourite village Mum's.  I love these kinds of catch ups, they make me feel so lucky to live where I do.  Impressive E made her (frankly astounding) shortbread biscuits, which I shamelessly hoovered.   Lucky was there with Baby Dinky.  Belle's little girl Squeak and This Baby swapped toys and dribbled on things whilst we ate hot cross buns and chatted about all sorts of stuff.  Belle and I decided to take the babies to a sing along session at a local library after Easter as we both felt like we missed singing nursery rhymes and the traditional old fashioned songs with our little girls.  This Baby and Squeak will be in the same school year so it's lovely that they already know each other and will have formed a friendship.  Should make starting in Nursery a little bit less scary.  Not that much scares my little madam!  She actually knows most of the other children that will be in her school year, another village benefit.  I desperately wish things had been like that for me.  I started one primary school, moved to another area, started another primary school didn't get on very well, moved to another, moved house again and found it really hard to fit in with anyone at my new school.  I'd moved too much and friendship groups had already been formed and sealed.  It wasn't my parents fault and there was nothing they could have done, but as a child I always felt like I was on the outside looking in.  I was quite a sad child, I suppose that's one of the reasons I tried hard to amuse people, just to be allowed to be in the company of others for a while.  But that's made me who I am today, so that's alright with me.

Mr Husband Sir and I went out for lunch together yesterday too.  We haven't done this since This Baby was born.  We've spent time together alone, but nothing so decadent as lunch.  And it was goood!  Although I did do the typical girl thing and want to swap starters because his blue cheese chicken and bacon salad looked yummier than my cheese thingys.  He didn't mind though, good man.

Then This Baby and I went to the children's service at our Church.  This was lovely, but a bit quiet yesterday.  I suspect it was because it was being held a week early (because of Easter).  I'm sorely tempted Ha!

Then we picked That Baby up from school and went to the swings with her friends.  This was not so much fun, she bumped her head, she bumped her nose, it was cold and This Baby cried.  But it was fresh air and this is good.

So all in all a rather lovely day!  In other news yesterday my Bloglovin' feed went bandy so I had to get it reset.  Apologies to anyone who was bombarded with six million of my old posts!  I also featured in the Sponsor Spotlight on Kym's awe inspiring blog Deaf in the Kitchen.   Check it out!  And I've also set up the Just Pirouette and Carry On Facebook Page - see the link to the right.  If you're so inclined I would love it dearly if you would check it out.  I've reached 100 GFC followers on this lil'blog of mine, which I am insanely proud of.  Again, thank you all so much.  There's a sense of irony in many ways as now we all know that GFC is to be retired, but I don't care, nope not one jot!  Thank you.  Just thank you.

On another note, I find it endlessly hysterical that my traffic sources show that LOADS of people end up here after googling "Sexy Calendar Girls" and end up finding me yapping on about the Women's Institute.  Sorry guys!  I'm doing you a favour really YOU'LL GO BLIND!!!

I hope you all have fabulous weekends!

Love, love,

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  1. You are a fave! Here and on Bloglovin <3 Luckily I missed the crazy onslaught... Off to your FB page now!

    1. You are lovely! Yes you are! I'll be trying to swish your cheeks like an old Auntie next!

  2. Yeah, where ARE all the sexy calendar girls I was promised?! xx

    1. Hahahaha who knows?!! I might have to start making post titles with thinly veiled sexual references just to chuckle at the silly people that follow them! Or maybe not so thinly veiled would work better? should I try and go for the niche markets? Senior Administrative Nurse porn anyone? Naked Ladies eating pork pies? ;)

  3. Lol thats hilarious about the sexy calendar girls!!!!!

    Sounds like a lovely couple of days you've had :) I always end up wanting to swap meals too.

    I think the village life thing very much depends on the village you're in - I grew up in a small village and I was also a sad child, I was always "left out" in school even though I'd known the other children since being tiny! The village I live in thinks its very posh and you get a lot of people who try to outdo each other, and their children were very much the same! :/

    I'm hoping to move to a small village myself once baby is here though, I hope we pick a friendlier one than the one I grew up in!

    Sparkles & Stretchmarks

    1. Oh I hope so! I think you're right there though, villages do tend to go one of two ways, I really hope yours is a lovely and inclusive one.

      I'm glad I'm not the only meal swapper out there! I'm a devil for it! :)

  4. All in a day! Beautiful. I think one of my favorite dates is eating out with my husband...and you're right; lunch is particularly decadent. So are girly get-togethers.

    Had to laugh at how your husband's salad was fair game. Took awhile for my husband to be ok with that, but now we share all the time and its the best...there's more to taste for both of us.

    Hope your weekend is as nice...Lynaea @

    1. I'm not so sure he really appreciates me thieving his salad if I'm honest, but he'll just have to go with it! And you're right, girly get togethers are the best. I really want to arrange one now!

  5. I was going to say something witty, then read your last little bit about sexy calendar girls, started laughing & can't think of anything else to say except hahahahahaha!

    1. I makes me laugh every time it happens! And it happens a lot! So much for search engine optimising (which I have no clue about) vaguely smutty innuendo is CLEARLY the key to directing traffic from google!


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