
Monday 15 April 2013

Magic Moments...#5

Good Morning!  Good Morning!  Thank you for stopping by and thank you for reading.  I am happy to be joining in with The Oliver's Madhouse and the Magic Moments series once again.

Today I wanted to share a Magic Moment that is ALL ABOUT ME!  ME, ME, ME, ME, ME!  Ahem, sorry about that.  Got a little carried away there....

Today is my birthday.  I'm not going to tell you how old I am, not because it bothers me, just because I think it would probably be rather silly to stick my date up birth up on the internet where any Tom, Dick or Harry could thieve it and use it to take over the world.  Not that I'm suggesting you are that a Tom or a Harry and I  am quite positive that if you have the good taste to be reading this you are definitely not a Dick. Unless you are actually called Tom or Dick or Harry, in which case I sincerely apologise.  You get the gist though, right?

So!  Happy Birthday to me!.  But surely the fact that it just happens to be my birthday isn't a Magic Moment, I hear you cry!

Indeed not!  For this week's magic moment I'd like to take you back five years, five years ago today, on my birthday I was pregnant with my first baby.  I was four days overdue and the size of small cow.  As much as I loved being pregnant I hadn't had a great time of it and had been pretty seriously ill with Deep Vein Thrombosis during the later stages.  This meant that walking was difficult and even sitting still was pretty painful.  I had to inject myself in the stomach with anticoagulants twice a day and it wasn't a great deal of fun.  Still I am a pretty positive person and five years ago I was happy just to be out of hospital and free to waddle around my little flat.

I remember my birthday that year particularly clearly because at fifteen minutes past midnight my waters broke.  I was in bed, laying next to my lovely husband who was sleeping soundly. Obviously initially I assumed that I'd wet myself, like you do, before I realised that actually it might be something a little more exciting than a wee soaked bed.

I woke Mr Husband Sir up and he did what all men in the same situation seem to do:  he panicked!  Not because he thought our baby was going to make an immediate appearance in the bedroom, but because he'd arranged a birthday surprise for me and he was worried that I was going to miss it if we had to go straight to the hospital.

So, in the early hours of the morning on the 15th April 2008 I waddled my way around our little flat with a belly the size of small hatchback, completing a treasure hunt organised by my wonderful fella.  I hunted down clues and solved riddles that led me to my wonderful and thoughtfully chosen birthday presents.  At the same time I was also trying to keep a rolled up bath towel wedged between my legs to avoid dripping amniotic fluid onto our rented beige carpets.  Possibly one of the most memorable birthdays I have ever had.  It sounds dreadful, but actually it was pretty flippin wonderful.

Two days later our baby girl was born.  And that's a whole other Magic Moment!  Have a great day everyone!

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  1. Happy Birthday! Hip hip hooray! (scooting over from Magic Moments)

    1. Thank you stopping by and thank you, thank you for the birthday wishes :)

  2. Happy birthday Kate! I hope you're being spoiled! I was also in labour on my birthday. My daughter was born the next day and has totally overshadowed my birthday ever since! xxx

    1. Thank you Emma, I am indeed! They're little tinkers aren't they? Stealing our birthday thunder!!!! ;)

  3. Happy Birthday!!! That was definately a birthday you won't be forgetting!! Xx

  4. Happy birthday! Now that's a magic moment that you never forget. Hope today is equally as special though and some celebrating is involved x

  5. Happy Birthday! What a lovely photograph!

    1. Thank you! I sort of love that picture and sort of hate it - I got to meet my baby, but I look like death warmed up!!!

  6. Kate this post is fab!! i think this is one heck of a #magicmoment !! love it! Thanks for linking up with #magicmoments

    1. Ahhhh, thank you! A pleasure to be joining in :)

  7. I hope yesterday was lovely for you, although it would be difficult to compare with that one.

  8. Happy Birthday for yesterday Kate! This is a wonderful magic moment and so cute you still did the treasure hunt! x

    1. Thank you Lauren! I had to complete it, he looked so upset! The poor carpet!

  9. What a wonderful birthday memory :) Hope this years was (almost) as good!

    1. Thank you Sara, it was a really lovely day this year too! :) x

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