
Tuesday 9 April 2013


I thought I'd bring you all up to speed a little bit with what's been going on around here.  Last week we spent a blissful few days on the Norfolk Broads, eating, drinking, boating, climbing - you name it! It was fabulous fun!

We spent one day at BeWILDerwood, I didn't really know how to sum this place up as it could be described in so many ways, so I must confess I got my google on.  I liked very much liked this summary which I found on Trip Advisor: "BeWILDerwood is a wild and imaginative adventure park with magical treehouses and hints of intriguing characters.  The setting for the book "A Boggle at BeWILDerwood" by local children's author Tom Blofeld, it's a wonderful and mystical place.  Parents are encouraged to play alongside their children, which makes for a fabulous and brilliantly exciting time for the whole family".  I just love the whole concept!  Plus there is nothing plastic there, no gawdy rides that eat pound coins, no flashing machines to dance on, everything is made of wood and requires imagination and a whole lot of energy!

There were climbing frames, rope swings, boat trips, walks, yurts, slides, zip wires, den building forests, tree houses - you name it! I really can't recommend it enough, it's such a lovely place to spend time and the staff are wonderful and friendly.  They have a story telling corner and when we went in summer a couple of years ago they were putting on an excellent little play outdoors to tell the story of BeWILDerwood.  The only slight downsides were that on the day we went it was freeeeeeeezing!  Though the staff were lovely and let us use a beautiful little party tent to feed This Baby her lunch, so we were able to warm her up.  Plus there were lovely little bonfires dotted about where you could thaw your hands!  The other downside (and it's not much of one) was that I was carrying This Baby in her sling, so couldn't join in as much as I would have liked.  Next time we go though - look out!    


Anyway, I'm not going to carp on about our time away, regular readers will know that we had a great time, I just want to mention this place in particular.  

In other news: That Baby has taken to drawing and painting in a BIG way this half term!  She went with her Gran to Art Group this morning, happily armed with her box of paints and a new set of brushes.  It's really lovely!  She sets up camp wherever she can and sits beautiful drawing, colouring and narrating to herself whilst she does it.

This is what she came back with this morning, I KNOW I'm biased, but I do think it's on the excellent side...

This Baby seems to be developing in leaps and bounds, she can now crawl faster than the speed of light (that's how it feels anyway) and is completely unafraid of any adventure.  She's taught herself to climb up stairs now so I can't turn my back on her for even a minute -the little tinker!  She's also taken to lifting up her arms in the air and kneeling up so she's as tall as she can possibly be when she wants a cuddle.  If you're cuddling her and you're eating something that you haven't shared she gets her eyes as close to your mouth as she can so she can see what your nibbling and work out if she wants some.  It sounds revolting, but it's the cutest thing.  I love seeing her assert her personality.  Her top front tooth is coming and has just broken through her gums in a tiny, sore looking dot. She's taken it so well, despite her face getting pinker as the day goes on she hasn't complained or lost her appetite - but more on that in another post!

Thursday is going to be an exciting day as my very best friend ever is coming over for tea and cake and she's bringing with her my bridesmaid dress and That Baby's bridesmaid's dress.  I suppose I will technically be Matron of Honour as I'm already married myself, but I'm not sure I like that term!  Anyway My Best Girl gets married in May to the loveliest man and I am so excited for her.  

Next week is my birthday and then two days later That Baby's birthday.  We have a party planned for her on the Sunday which she is so thrilled about.  Unbeknown to her we're also collecting her from school on her birthday and taking her to a local garden centre to buy her the goldfish she's been hankering after for an age.  She will be so pleased.  She's been coming up for names for her fish-to-be  for an age.  So far Nuzzle and Scratch seem to be winning!

So that's a little life update from me and mine!  I hope you are well and happy dear reader.

Love, love,


  1. beWILDerwood looks amazing! I'd love to go and play there despite having no children....perhaps I can convince my brother that he wants to take my niece and me! Sounds like you have some nice things coming up too!

    Lauren x

    1. Oh Lauren, if you get the chance go,go go! Take whoever you can!!

  2. Happy almost birthday!! I want to live in beWILDerwood. Do they take older but significantly immature folk? And That Baby has exquisite taste in colors-- keep nurturing her talent!

  3. I've been wanting to go to Bewilderwood for ages! It's in Norfolk, right? Quite near my inlaws. Drat. It'll have to wait till the end of our free year. But I reckon Johnny will be a better age for it then, anywhere, wouldn't you think?

    1. I think that should be pretty much perfect age-wise. It's nice that everything is geared towards parents and children playing together so you can always give him a helping hand if he gets paralysed with fear on a rope bridge.....or vice versa!

  4. BeWILDerwood sounds amazing! Would it look weird if I went there without any little ones? Yes, probably.... Love places like that, hate all of the plastic tat around these days. Glad things are going so well x


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