
Saturday 13 July 2013


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2013.

28/52 - watching the sunshine through the trees

28/52 - My beautiful girl

This week we have had some truly beautiful weather, what a difference it makes to everything!  When the sun shines we all smile.  It was so warm that we decided to take a family walk up the hill outside our village to feel a little cooler.  Then we found a little wooded clearing and had a sit down to enjoy beautiful sunshine and warm breeze.  I love these days.  Wiggles crawled around unhindered watching the sun shine through the branches.  Biscuit had taken a liking to Mummy's cocktail umbrella straws and threaded one through her sunhat - her pretty flower apparently.  She may have looked a little bonkers, but I wasn't about to spoil her fun.  She's playing with my flip flops because toys are thin on the ground on top of a hill.  My word I love them.

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  1. Beautiful girls! And such pretty dresses!

    Sparkles &Stretchmarks

    1. Thank you Hayley, I love summer dresses, I am a total sucker for them! I'm sure they're rather be romping around in dungarees but it's tough!! ;) x

  2. Couldn't agree more on the difference weather makes-- we've been gray & thunder-ish & we're all having a hard time getting motivated to do anything! Beautiful pictures, as always!

    1. Thank you Taby, It is really hard isn't it? I'm enjoying the blue skies whilst they last!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Victoria, I've had my moments, but so far I've really enjoyed it. It makes life easier that I take a shed load of pictures of my little ones I think!

  4. So gorgeous!
    This sounds (almost) idyllic - all that was missing was 3x ice-creams... ;)

  5. What beauties. I love you all!

    1. Right back atcha L-Dawg! If they could see you, they'd be waving at you!!!


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