
Thursday 4 April 2013


I was going to skip a Currently week, due to being away from home, but the thought made me sad so I'm internetting on the sly. So, together with  Ot and Et and Harvesting Kale  and despite being away on the Broads, ensconced on the riverfront, sitting enjoying the chilly sunshine I am once again Currently:

Drinking:  Far too much. I'm not a big drinker, but we're in holiday mode so it's wine with meals and whisky for dessert. My head just about clears its fuzz before its time to begin again...

Buying:  special treat toys for our well behaved girls. That Baby's excellent behaviour has earned her dinosaur paint by numbers, This Baby a cuddly broccoli. I never imagined such a thing existed!

Driving:   through bogs and creeks and over ricketty wooden bridges to get to our home away from home. Terrifying. One wrong turn and your wheels start to sink. I'm glad I can avoid being behind the wheel!

Missing:  I can't think of a single thing I've been missing. It's been lovely to have a complete change of scenery and a change of air. It's lovely to see my previously pale little girl with the kind of rosy glow in her cheeks that you only get from being outdoors.

Obsessing:  about remembering to take everything when we leave here. I am a horror for leaving important stuff behind. Lists, lists, lists, they're the key! I could obsess about lists till the cows come home.

Next week: Entertaining, Holding, Building, Smiling, Frowning.

Join in?


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  1. It sounds and looks lovely, it's great to her you are having such a good time. I had to laugh at the cuddly broccoli!

    1. Thank you my dear! She loves that broccoli far more than the real thing! :) x

  2. Sounds like you're having a lovely time :) The picture looks gorgeous! Enjoy the rest of your time, and enjoy the wine and whisky!

    Lauren x

    1. Thank you my dear! And I must confess, I do love the wine and the whisky!!!

  3. Currently missing... holidays! And country air! And whisky! And bell behaved babies!

    1. Hahahaha! Oh bless you! That really made me chuckle :)

  4. I want some vacation now! You're a lucky lady!

  5. Your answer to "missing" makes my heart soar <3 so happy to hear you are having such a lovely time! Reminds me to trips to Mexico Rob and I used to take, spending the days outside, perpetually semi-drunk, laughing and relaxing! What a life!

    1. Ahhh, bless you! I would LOVE to go to Mexico! I was only saying that the other day....and to be a constant state of squiffy-ness just makes everything brilliant in my humble opinion! xxx


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