
Saturday 6 April 2013

To my dear friends,

Although you have never visited this space you are known here as Impressive E, Impressive D and Woolly. The reason I chose these names for you is because they fit you perfectly. Not only do you inspire me with your creativity, skill and abject refusal to sit on your bums and do nothing, but also because you really LIVE your lives. You enjoy, laugh and have fun. You turn high drama into comedy. You make ordinary everyday things seems spontaneous and exciting. You get everyone involved in your brilliant (and occasionally insane) adventures that just wouldn't happen without you; barbecue in the snow anyone? Ok!!! Your love of life is infectious and you're great to be around.

You so thoughtfully asked us if we would like to join you for a few days in your beautiful holiday home right beside the river. We don't have a great deal of spare cash each month, so spending time away together isn't something we can do very often. I'm not complaining, it makes the chances we get twice as special. When you first showed us a photograph of your getaway that afternoon at our allotment it looked beautiful, little did I know that your picture didn't do it justice at all! Such a wonderful house, it felt like a home from home immediately, and that was entirely down to you. On our first morning I woke up early (after possibly the best night's sleep of my entire life in that amazing bed) to prepare This Baby's morning feed. As the microwaved whirred I used those minutes to stare (a little fuzzy headed from the precious night's wine) out of the kitchen window. I saw geese, heard ducks and listened to the sound of the water gently sploshing beneath the house. I tried to be as quiet as possible in case I could hear the Mummy otter and her babies we'd seen playing on the front lawn the night before underneath the house again. I'd never heard an otter giggle before, I didn't even know it was possible! Those beautiful, tranquil morning minutes were a gift. I felt so lucky to be sitting there in the sunshine looking out on such a scene.

We had such a wonderful time and you're such fantastic fun. I laughed when my Mum asked me on the phone if everyone was getting on, who wouldn't get on with you?! You're such good company! I know That Baby loves you all to bits, she loved making pizzas all together and going out on the boat. And she doesn't think we run around the lounge singing, playing guitar and pretending to be trains enough. And she's right!

We loved spending your birthday with you D and what a way to spend it! Boating, eating the most delicious cake in existence (great skills E, great skills) and drinking fizz. Bliss! It felt like my birthday! We won't sing Happy Birthday again though, That Baby may never stop....

This Baby was so taken with you D, I was watching her with her eyes fixed on you from across the room, just waiting for you to make a funny noise, or sing a little song, or just make her giggle. It was so lovely to see all of the children pink cheeked and glowing from being outdoors in the fresh air.

And Woolly is such a little star! A real credit to you both. He's fearless, brave and funny. And his fast legs may be cheeky, but they're mighty impressive!

Thank you our dear chums, for being such wonderful friends to us. We are blessed to know you. Thank you for thinking of us, being with us and creating these treasured memories with us. I can't wait until June when there will be even more of you to love being with!

Big sloppy Impressive D style bendy over backwards like you're going to hit the deck kisses,

Kate, Mr Husband Sir, That Baby and This Baby xxx


  1. Ah wow what lovely friends!! Glad you had a lovely time and thanks so much for my liebster award-bear with me and will do :) thanks lovely xx

    1. They really are! Looking forward to having a read my dear :)

  2. Oooo you lucky girl, you have such lovely friends. Looks like a great time was had by all x

    1. It was indeed! And I really can't thank them enough :)


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