Monday - The last Monday before the Summer Holidays! After walking Biscuit to school Wiggles and I went to the church to go to Biscuit's school assembly. I was a very proud Mummy when she was awarded an English award in front of her whole school. She was pretty chuffed too. After coming back home again I walked the dogs with Mum. We seemed to come home pretty much at lunch time so after eating Wiggles had her nap. We collected Biscuit from school and went to the swings. It was very warm, we sat on the grass with Tilly, Impressive E and Impressive D (who was chucking a sickie) before going back home to scoff pizza!
Tuesday - Biscuit's last day of term. She had to go in wearing her PE kit which seemed really strange for some reason. They were having a sports tournament, which she was very excited about. Wiggles and I went to the last Toddler Group before summer where they were having a party. She had a ball playing with her friends, eating crisps and ice cream.
We came home and she had a nap. We collected Biscuit from school and went to the swings but it was so hot we couldn't hang around. It seemed kind of sad that we wont see the same people every day for six whole weeks, we really do live with some lovely people around us.
We came home and she had a nap. We collected Biscuit from school and went to the swings but it was so hot we couldn't hang around. It seemed kind of sad that we wont see the same people every day for six whole weeks, we really do live with some lovely people around us.
Wednesday - Work for me, it was V's birthday and he amused me for most of the morning with his responses to me sending him a Happy Birthday message. At lunchtime I went to pay done cheques in for Mr Husband. I stopped into a chazza and bought Biscuit a gorgeous little green dress. Mr Husband went to the shops and bought a lovely posh tea. Mmmmmm :)
Thursday - What a busy day! Before leaving for the day I made sausage casserole and bunged it in the slow cooker, I knew I'd have no time to make tea later on. First of all we went to my colleague Anita's house to collect some clothes for Biscuit. She has a little girl a few years older and we've had an excellent arrangement where I buy the clothes she's outgrown. Anita is marvellous!!! After that we drove to LB's house to visit her, she's been off sick following a knee operation. It was lovely to see her and we all had tea followed by a trip to feed the ducks and the seagulls.
We came home, had lunch, then headed back out to the park and met Tilly and Em. They enjoyed playing on some new play equipment. Jill and Ned came to join us, before we decided it was just too hot and headed back to Jill's to get the paddling pool out. We had a lovely cuppa, done cake and a cheeky glass of wine before I had to head back home to meet the hairdresser. We each had out hair cut and then sausage casserole! After tea I packed the suitcases for our weekend away.
Friday - Work for me as usual, but I got to leave early at 5pm. After arriving home I added the last minute bits and pieces to our suitcase and we set off for London in the car. After parking for the weekend we strapped Wiggles into her buggy, Mr Husband put the travel cot on his back like a rucksack and we braved the underground. It went surprisingly well and we arrived at the flat for the weekend somewhere around half eight-ish. I'm not exactly sure though, can't remember looking at my watch! It was the first time the children had seen the flat so they raced around and Biscuit declared it to be "Very fancy!" She made us laugh asking if all the tall buildings were where the Queen lives, bless her! We put the girls to bed and had a little something to eat and drink, somewhere around ten Wiggles stopped yelling at us from her cot and finally went to sleep!
Saturday - Despite her late night Wiggles still woke up at the usual time. Biscuit woke up of her own accord about twenty minutes later and we had breakfast and showers before setting out to the Natural History Museum. It was a very busy, but we had a nice time looking at the dinosaurs, the blue whale and all the usual suspects.
After leaving we stopped by at Marks and Spencers for a picnic lunch before heading back to the flat to eat - it was so boiling we really appreciated the air conditioning!
After eating and a sit down we set back out again for an epic walk along the Southbank, with some ice creams to encourage the small people!
After leaving we stopped by at Marks and Spencers for a picnic lunch before heading back to the flat to eat - it was so boiling we really appreciated the air conditioning!
After eating and a sit down we set back out again for an epic walk along the Southbank, with some ice creams to encourage the small people!
Once we'd finally made it back again the little ones were shattered so it was pretty much straight to bed. Mr Husband and I drank apple based cocktails in bed in the dark and watched Lewis - pretty bloody good I must say!
Sunday - We got up pretty late (8 o'clock - wooo) showered, tidied up and headed out to the Museum of London. It was great - I think I even preferred it to the Natural History Museum. The girls had a great time running around and playing with lots of the interactive exhibits.
Once they'd finally had enough we headed back to the flat, collected our things and headed back to the car via the underground. Thankfully it was nice and quiet because it was a Sunday so it was an easy journey. We stopped at MacDonalds on the way home and then the supermarket where we bought Biscuit an Elsa doll for being so good and Wiggles a DVD and some "Weeties". I treated myself to a dress and a skirt in the half price sale. When we came home we had tea with my Mum and Dad and I unpacked the suitcase before it was time for bed. In the evening we were completely pooped so watched telly goggle eyed. A lovely weekend all round though.
Well that was mine, how was yours?
Love, love,