
Nice to meet you, my name's Kate, I have one (little) blog and two daughters "That Baby" now known as "Biscuit" and "This Baby" who is known as "Wiggles". One of them isn't a baby any more, but the other still pretty much is. I ended up marrying the best boy I've ever met, he is amazeballs, but he would not be impressed with me for using that word to describe him.  I quite often wonder how the flippin' 'eck he puts up with me....

Together we live in my childhood home alongside my parents and older brother, we drive each other nuts sometimes, but we wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world. We live in a small village that is wonderful, but often completely bonkers. It's a crazy kind of hybrid mixing a little bit of Dibley with quite a lot of Royston Vasey (google it, I dare you)! 

We have an allotment where we grow our own fruit and vegetables and although we're not really that great at it we love it. I very much like to crochet, but I can't follow a pattern without getting stroppy so I can only make blankets. Beautiful blankets, admittedly, but ONLY blankets! 

I have a penchant for revamping what other people consider to be hideous charity shop dresses, occasionally, despite my dubious sewing skills, I manage to turn one into something fabulous. This makes me both happy and smug in equal measure. 

I often speak first and think later. I'm sometimes amusing, sometimes outrageous and sometimes a little bit quiet for no particular reason. I blog about whatever catches my eye, for no other reason than because I want to.  Buy me a cocktail and we'll be friends for life...

The yuck stuff:

Unless otherwise noted, I am the legal copyright holder of all material on Just Pirouette and Carry on... and it may not be used, reprinted, or published without my written consent.  Readers of Just Pirouette and Carry on... do so of their own free will and take the information I provide at their own risk.

The information I provide is for entertainment purposes only, I am not providing medical, legal or other professional advice.  Readers are reading and/or using the information they glean from Just Pirouette and Carry On... at their own risk.

I am happy to accept products for review, provided that they fit with the aesthetic of this blog and that I have free reign in relation to the content of any associated posts. Any sponsored posts will be clearly marked as such.  I would be happy to work with you, if you would like to contact me please use the email link found on the right hand side of this page.


  1. Royston Vasey! You're my wife now. ps. Did not need to Google it.

    1. Brilliant! Wanna buy some pegs?!!!! I completely, completely love that you're a fan. You are AMAZEBALLS! :) xx

  2. Thank you so much for hosting my button! I've only just realised though it was linked wrong... took you to some dodgy blogspo site because I can't type correctly and missed off the t.

    Hopefully thats it fixed now, if you could maybe update it I'd be hugely grateful!

    Love your blog :) xxx

    1. Hahaha! Stuff like that usually happens to me! All sorted now! A button I'm proud to have xx

  3. Hi Kate!!!

    I think I'm really going to enjoy your blog!! You've already got me giggling!! And I absolutely love to crochet!!! I'm an addict - although between the family, fitness and the blog I don't get much time anymore!! It's always on my to-do list though!! I'm happily following you back!

    Aanika X

    1. Hi Aanika!

      Thank you so much for following, and especially for your kind words! You should never have told me you're a crochet addict too! I'll be quizzing you about half double hop skip jump trebles!

      Kate ;) xx

  4. At least you can do blankets, I can only manage to crochet long long lines....

    1. Emergency escape ladders? In crochet!!! Highly useful things you know!! :)


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