Monday - A pretty quiet day, Wiggles and I started the morning by having coffee with Mum & Dad. We did the school run and went to the park. After tea both sweaty little herberts had baths. Then Mr Husband and I went out to do the food shopping - rock n roll! When we came home we had some nibbly snacks before bed.
Tuesday - Wiggles and I went to baby group where the Mummies that went had a music festival debrief. After coming back home Wiggles' had a short nap. We went to pick Biscuit up from school, went to the park again then came back home. I made chilli for tea. After the children were in bed Mr Husband and I headed back out to a school meeting to introduce ourselves to Biscuit's teacher for Year 2. After that Mr Husband, Impressive D, Lucky and I went to the pub for a couple of glasses before heading back home.
Wednesday - Boring day, work for me in the ridiculously hot weather. I spent most of my lunch break trying to find a hat for Biscuit to wear to school tomorrow. It seemed the heat had caused most people to have bought them before me. I called into Asda after work and yay! Found a hat! We had a yummy Indian meal for tea and Mr Husband and I watched several episodes of Big Bang Theory before bed.
Thursday - It was Biscuit's Beach Day at school so she went dressed in her shorts and t-shirt and of course her new hat! I went to coffee at Me-Julie's, which was nice, but a little full of what I like to call "Yummies", ugh. Wiggles made full use of the trampoline and the sandpit though so she was happy!
For tea we made "Not Meatballs" from my trusty "A Girl Called Jack" recipe book and they were yummers!
Friday - We woke up to some very loud thunder and some pretty impressive lightning. When I went in to give Wiggles her milk she announced "Mummy! Nappy change! And BANG!" which I think was her way of telling me what was going on with the weather. It was work for me, another hot and busy day. Being in an office with no air conditioning and lots of windows can be a little unpleasant at times I must say! I went out at lunchtime and bought the usual Friday curry which was, also as usual, delicious. After coming home from work I went out with Dad in the Land Rover to walk the dogs. It was lovely to stroll along the side of the river as the sun was going down.
Saturday - I spent most of the day cleaning the house ready for visitors the following day and going to the supermarket to make sure we had everything we needed. The weather forecast had predicted more rain and thunder, which in the end never quite materialised. That doesn't bother me as such, but we'd planned to go and watch a Shakespeare play performed outdoors. We ended up cancelling because we didn't think we could stand being out in the rain. Shame it never happened. In the evening Mr Husband and I watched The World's End on DVD, which was pretty bloody good.
Sunday - I had a lay in (my turn) whilst Mr Husband got up and dealt with the children. I'd managed to clean the whole house the day before so I only had the lounge left to do. I'd bought the most enormous piece of pork I'd ever seen in my life and had been marinating it since the night before. Mr Husband put the meat into the oven for me and we slow cooked it for about six hours. When I got up it smelt amazing! Then at 2 o'clock Lucky, Mr Lucky, Tilly and Billy came over with all the kids and we sat outside in the garden eating a late lunch. It was lovely, but my word there was a lot of pork!!! Again the terrible weather that was forecast avoided us so I was pleased! It was a really lovely afternoon, they all left at around half six and we bathed the girls and put them to bed before crashing out on the sofa.
Well that was mine, how was yours?
Love, love,

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