Monday, 4 March 2013

Grow Your Own - Chit Watch....

Remember the seed potatoes?  Way back at the beginning of February?  Well!  If they've been out in the sunshine (ha!) they should now look something a little like this:

Yep, all ugly and sprouty looking.  Those black, slightly fuzzy tubers peaking out the sides mean that they're ready to go in the ground!  This also means that the easy part is over and I need to get my spade out.  Now, Mother Nature if you're reading this, do you think you could arrange for a spot of pleasant weather so I can actually make a dent in the ground?  We've got A LOT of digging to do you see.  That'd be terribly obliging of you, many thanks....

Stay tuned folks...

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  1. Is it weird that I'm totally excited to watch this potato process? Because I am.

    1. If it is weird then we're both weird! I love watching things grow, which is handy! ;)

  2. Very cool! I'w with Tabetha - it's exciting. I guess it's because I never grow anything myself. I'm hoping to try soon though. :) Jo

  3. They might be ugly now...but think yummy later!!

    1. Fingers crossed Kym! It'd be awful if we got blight and had a terrible potato year!

  4. This is an oddly cool thing to watch and follow, can't wait to see how they turn out. Come on weather!!!
    Rhiannon x

    1. I feel like someone from The Wicker Man - "the crops will not fail!". They really had better not fail, that'd be majorly embarrassing!

  5. I bet you will have the best ones in your neighborhood. And it is interesting to watch.

  6. Ahhh, thank you Heidi, I'm really glad! Keep your fingers crossed for me!


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