Saturday, 29 June 2013


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2013.



So this week I'm sharing a lovely picture of Biscuit struggling a little with a toy tractor on a day out at the farm, it was freeeeeezing!  Still, she made the best of it, even though pedals apparently are not her friends!

Wiggles caught in her favourite pose.  She's been doing a lot more sofa cruising, using it as a safety net so she can practice standing up without holding on and perfecting her balance.  Here she's slung poor Herman the teddy bear to one side, ditched him in favour of adventure, and she looks particularly cheeky about it too!

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  1. Hahaha, love the pedalling face! And that little cheeky cruising face, aww! (Poor Herman - he does have a good name though!)x

    1. She's so proud of herself! Unlike Biscuit who was utterly exasperated!!

  2. Well they are the cutest! Even having a time with the tractor, that face (and haircut, that's the exact cut I want for Etta if/when she ever has hair, which we are questioning will ever happen) such sweethearts!

    1. Thank you!!! It took sooooo long for Biscuit's hair to grow!!! And then when it finally did it looks all thin so we chopped it off again! Wiggles has exactly the same type of hair so at least I can learn from experience. She and Et rock the baldy locks look right? ;) xx


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