Saturday, 27 July 2013


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2013.

30/52 - Wiggles Walks

30/52 - Back in the pool

So this week is just a little bit monumental!  Up until this point the highest number of steps Wiggles had ever managed unaided was 12.  This week she cleverly managed 64!  I'm not sure that this means she's "properly" walking still, but she's pretty much there, it's all down to confidence now.  This week's picture depicts her both walking, and asserting her authority by insisting on wearing a purple plastic hairband instead of a hat.  I have NO say in the matter.  In these pictures we were visiting a friend and once again the paddling pool was out.

In Biscuit's picture she clutches her precious watering can, dutifully wears her hat and manages to look sweet and patient and exasperated all at the same time.  Which is fair really with a Mummy that insists on taking photographs of her every move!

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  1. Yaaayyy, go Wiggles! (I'm impressed by the step-counting!) We've had a week of walking too...I'm just holding off buying shoes for as long as poss - you want how much money for these teeny shoes?!
    You're spot on with the description of Biscuit's face - she does look as though she's thinking 'Come on Mummy, that must be enough photos now!' (Never, never enough photos!!) x

    1. She does, doesn't she? Cheeky imp! Yay! You're an upright household too!!! Don't they look so cute trying?!

  2. This sounds exactly like my life. My youngest took two months from first steps to confidently walking, and our eldests sound so similar!

    1. Ahhhh, that's lovely! This is one of the things I love about blogging, it opens a whole new branch of parallel lives up doesn't it? :)

  3. 64 steps! A big girl now. :)
    Biscuit looks very sweet...
    Ronnie xo

  4. 64 steps is certainly proper walking in my book! So adorable. Kellie xx

  5. Yay for walking - she's got a most determined look so I suspect even more steps will be forthcoming

    1. You weren't wrong Carie! She's been giving it her best ever since! x

  6. yay for walking! what cute girls

  7. 64 steps?! My god, that's more than I can take in one go in my current balloon-like state!

    1. Oh bless Hattie!! It's no fun is it? You sit down my dear, why walk 64 steps when you've got such a good excuse not to!! :) xx


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