Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Allotment Update!

I realised that I haven't mentioned how things are getting on at our allotment for a little while, so here's a little update for you...

• the spuds are in as per this post and they're growing nicely. We earthed them up and now they're doing wonderfully. The rows are not terribly straight, and they're a bit weedy but who wants a straight spud?!!!

• our strawberry plants are doing fantastically. Last year we had loads, but sadly after our first batch was picked a pesky bird got in under the netting and scoffed the remainder. This year we've rigged up a pretty impressive netting system, looks like (fingers crossed) we'll have plenty of fruit this year, there are lots of strawberries under there, but at the moment not many that are the right colour.

• we've planted lots of seeds, carrots, parsnip and spring onion, plus lots of lettuce dotted around and even some pumpkin. There are some sweetcorn plants in and at the moment they look like they're doing well, but we don't have great history with sweetcorn, so I'm not holding my breath!

• we've moved a lot of our raspberry plants this year, they seem to be happy in their new homes, but I'm not convinced they'll fruit this year. We have some established raspberry plants, but they're autumn fruit, dark and delicious so they're while off!!

• the herb bed looks amazing!! Fresh and green and beautiful! I'm going to be making lots of use if the chives, sorrel, purple sage, mint and tarragon. Nothing beats fresh herbs!

• the gooseberry bushes have fruit! I love gooseberries, crumbles, pies, fools, yes please!! Plus if the gooseberries are ready then it means that it's time to pick elderflowers too (they fruit and flower at the same time) which means yay! More homemade elderflower cordial!! In fact I've already made ours for the year, expect a recipe coming this way very soon!

Do tell me how your gardens are getting on? Is anyone else growing the same things as we are? 

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  1. My mother in law to be keeps killing all my plants, it's quite annoying. I'm so jealous as to how wonderful your allotment looks! x

    1. Killing then all? Grrrrrr!!! You'll be over run when you move!! :)

  2. It all looks lovely, so full of promise.

    1. Doesn't it? I'm looking forward to the raspberries the most I think :)


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