Monday, 4 August 2014


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2014.



Another trip to the park, this time further away from home.  Biscuit tries out her new-found adventurous spirit by attempted the slide via the least obvious route.  I love how she's spied me, but can't break her concentration.  Wiggles sits and plays happily in the sunshine.  Everything is a toy to her, wood chips, her own feet, her shadow.  She's quite gleeful here, chatting away to herself and having a marvellous time.

Happily joining in with Jodi at Practising Simplicity and this year's 52 Project.

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  1. HA! Good on ya Biscuit! I used to go down the slide the circuitous route too!

  2. It's just THE BEST way isn't it? x


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