Monday - Poor Biscuit had been cough, cough, coughing all night during the night on Sunday, so I was really surprised to find her bright eyed and bushy tailed when I went into her bedroom on Monday morning to ask if she wanted to go to school. We walked her in, came home, did a spot of tidying then headed out to the shops, where we bought mostly coffee and vegetables. Before picking Biscuit up, Wiggles had a good old play. I've noticed lately that she's started to play really nicely on her own, completely enveloped in her games. I'm sure Biscuit didn't play as nicely at her age, I can't help but wonder if this is something she's picked up from her big sister. Either way it's a good thing. We all had our hair cut after school, apart from Wiggles who is still sadly lacking in this department...
Tuesday - it was so foggy in the morning, a real pea-souper. I actually really love fog, I like the mix of creepy and beautiful. Like snow, it makes everything that's familiar look somehow quite different. Because of the weather I wore one of my hats on the school run, any excuse. I was chuffed to bits when someone told me I looked like is stepped out of an Agatha Christie!
What do you think? Excuse the bag under the bed, running out of places to hide presents!
Toddler group in the morning, nap (Wiggles, not me), school run, then home for a roast and an evening of ironing and mending clothes. It comes to something when a hat is the most remarkable thing about your day!
Wednesday - work for me, very dull. Biscuit's dress rehearsal for her Nativity Play. So close to payday I'm broke, but keep seeing lovely things I'd like to buy.
Thursday - Biscuit's Nativity! It was lovely. I was a clever Mummy and took a good supply of Smarties to silence Wiggles. Biscuit was a chicken, and despite having her hat on wrong, she looked lovely and did really well. Afterwards we had lunch at the local pub with Impressive E, Impressive D and Baby Beetle. My Mum came too. It was nice, but Wiggles isn't really great at "doing lunch" yet. She's so noisy!
Wiggles and I do Nativity |
In the evening it was the Christmas WI Meeting. It was immense! More sausage rolls than you can shake a stick at, and some brilliantly funny old ladies! We played "Guess the Smell" I won! It appears I am completely bloomin marvellous at knowing one smell from another. I won a packet of National Trust Raspberry and White Chocolate Biscuits,which I gave to Mr Husband is white chocolate is yuckers. Then we played Pass the Parcel on speed, this involved lobbing the parcel as quickly as humanly possible around the circle. Then we sang 12 Days of Christmas, but some of the more amusing group members decided to add in actions, I nearly wet myself laughing at Lords a Leaping. Finally, Mrs Baxter's camel impersonations had me whimpering with laughter, to the point where I was rendered incapable of singing the National Anthem.
Friday: work for me. Biscuit went to her little friend's house after school to play, which she loved. After we'd got them into bed Mum babysat whilst we went to the supermarket and bought ALL THE NIBBLY SNACKS for Christmas. We spent a whole £2 on a trolley full, the rest was all paid for with saved up survey vouchers. Get in!
Saturday: Biscuit went to a Princess Party for one of her little friends, she was so ridiculously excited. It seemed so quiet without her that Mr Husband, Wiggles and I went out for a walk. I kept forgetting it was just the three of us and looking around for number four. In the evening I went to meet Tallulah aandcwe went to a pub in town to watch Mix play with his new band. It was a great night. Complete with crazy old duffer and some Eastenders style "Get outda my pub!" Brill!
Sunday - Christmas decoration day! Up went the tree, the stair decorations and all the other little bits that make it Christmas. Wiggles was (amazingly) a great help, passing me baubles from the box, declaring "Bubble!" with each one. Nana and Grandad came to visit in the afternoon, we don't see them all that much so the girls were really pleased. Spent the rest of the day cleaning and sweeping, why do decorations bring so much mess with them? Still, very much worth it in the end. Don't you think?
So, that was mine, how was yours?
Love, love,

You really do look like you've stepped out of an Agatha Christie story - you look fab for on the school run! WI meet sounds good fun too - we used to do the 12 days of Christmas with actions with the kids at school - it always descended into giggles! Good work on the trolley full for 2 squid too! x
ReplyDeleteThank you! It was like being at school again! So silly! I like it when usually sensible people give in and come down to my level!
DeleteWI sounds insane. I'm tempted.
ReplyDeleteIt was completely insane! Go! Go! They're all MENTAL!
DeleteYour tree looks fantastic! xx
ReplyDeleteThank you! I was really worried about it this year, convinced Wiggles would have it over, but she'd bend so good! Plus every bauble is shatterproof, which eases my concern considerably! :) x
DeleteYour tree is stunning and so are you!! What a busy bee you've been! I've been floundering around since the semester ended, struggling to find my winter break groove. And Christmas is so darn close!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Taby, you are too kind. I know what you mean, I need a bit if pressure behind me before I can start to get my wriggle on!