Monday - after dropping Biscuit off at school Mum and I whizzed straight to the pet shop to buy provisions ready for our new addition. Afterwards we went to the supermarket for a few bits for lunch. I came home to meet Impressive E, Baby Beetle, Lucky, Dinky, Tilly and Em who all came for lunch in honour of Lucky's birthday. It was very nice. Lots of cake and wine! In the afternoon I had a call from the Eggheads production team, I had applied to he on the quiz show a little while ago with some work colleagues and was startled to discover they hadn't ruled us out straight away! Watch this space....
Tuesday - after a quick trip to our Toddler group to say hello, off we went to collect our beautiful new addition Pearl The Pug.
She is, as you can see, pretty flippin gorgeous! The rest of the day seemed to pass by in a blur of dog fur. Pearl has settled in well so far, she spent the evening sleeping in her fluffy bed by my feet. Lovely pug.
Wednesday - work for me. Fun with my lovely friend LB. Not an exciting day particularly, nothing of merit happened at all really, but it was nice to see her again and to catch up. Mr Husband came home from work with a note from his First Aid person at work. Honestly! He's so cheeky!
This is what it said:
Just in case that's completely unreadable: Dear Kate, Mr Husband was complaining of a bad back, as his first aider at work I prescribed for him lots of spontaneous wanton sex. He said he does not normally like treatment, but is willing to give this a try. Hope you can provide the necessary, Many thanks, Graham, FAAW (which apparently stands for First Aider at Work) not sure about the others, any ideas?
Of course I replied!
This is what it said:
Just in case that's completely unreadable: Dear Kate, Mr Husband was complaining of a bad back, as his first aider at work I prescribed for him lots of spontaneous wanton sex. He said he does not normally like treatment, but is willing to give this a try. Hope you can provide the necessary, Many thanks, Graham, FAAW (which apparently stands for First Aider at Work) not sure about the others, any ideas?
Of course I replied!
Dear Graham, Thank you for your kind note regarding poor Mr Husband and his hurty back. I note your suggestion regarding "lots of spontaneous wanton sex" as a possible treatment. I confess, at first I was alarmed at this suggestion. However, after consideration I thought "What the hell! I'm a modern lass" and have concluded that you should go for it, if you think it might help. Very noble of you. Remember though - No Glove, No Love! Kind Regards, Kate :)
Honestly! Boys eh? What are they like! Hahahahaha, that'll teach em!
Thursday - started with the usual school run followed by a trip to the vets with Pearl to make sure she is ok. Wiggles screamed all the way there, all the time we were at the vets and all the way back. It turned into a bit of a nightmare, I had take her out to the car because she ended up furious with me for not letting her stick her hand in a used needle bin. Being stuck in the confines of a car with a screaming child is not my idea of fun. I am never taking her there again! After a good nap she was in a much better mood. In the afternoon we took a trip to the Post Office, sent some cards and walked to school. Strictly speaking we didn't have to walk to school as Biscuit was going to her ballet class with her Gran, but it was Lucky's birthday and I wanted to make sure I handed over her present on the actual day. It was in a massive box, I think she was more embarrassed than anything, job done!
Friday - another day at work. In addition to getting curry at lunchtime, I was also tasked with finding my lovely Mother In Law a birthday present. I end up in this situation every year, half an hour to find a perfect gift - no pressure! Every year I tell Mr Husband off for nothing thinking about it sooner. Grrr. In the end I found a lovely glass cheeseboard, that I would be pleased with. Not sure if anyone else will, buy hey! I tried!
Saturday - Mr Husband went to the football so Wiggles, Biscuit and I spent the day doing crafty things at the kitchen table. A nice quiet day, although at some points it was carnage with all the paint that seemed to spread itself around. Three changes of clothes and lots of hand washing, but we now have a beautifully painted tea set and a picture of a pink flower for the walls.
Sunday - My MIL's birthday so she and my FIL came over for lunch. Mr Husband cooked which was nice and all in all it was a lovely day. We don't see them all that often so it was nice for the children to spend some time with them.
Well that was mine, how was yours?
Love, love,

HAHAHA!! Loving the 'sick note' and (even more so) your reply! No glove no love, pah ha! Intrigued by the other letters after Graham's name - is GPITA Giant Pain in the Arse?!?! Keeping my fingers crossed you end up on Eggheads too :D oh and Pearl is a sweetie! xx
ReplyDeleteI think you might be right there! And giant pain in the arse would be about right! ;) You clever thing :) xx
DeleteLove your letter, brilliant! You should get on to Eggheads on the basis of that alone. Pearl is gorgeous and having a dog curled up with you throughout the evening makes life better. It just does. Unless you have terrible allergies I suppose.
ReplyDeleteYou're so right there! Doggy company is the best. And thank you my dear :) x
DeleteYou are my favorite person on the whole damn planet and that letter is. just. the best. I'm trying so hard not to laugh out loud as Etta's sleeping but for reals, bwahahahahaha!
ReplyDeleteAhhhh, shucks. Fanks you xx
DeleteLove your letter hahahaha!!!! And your Pearl is beyond adorable-- so excited to hear of her adventures with your littles!!!
ReplyDeleteHeee heee heee, thank you! :) :) xx
DeleteOh my she's totally adorable! What a cute little puppy.
Thank you Trish ! I think she's a whole bag of gorgeous too !! :) x