Monday - The first day of the Easter holiday so Biscuit was home from school. The weather was typically terrible so we were all cooped up at home. Wiggles doodled a bit, dressed as a Princess both things she really loves doing:
Tuesday - We were supposed to be going to Dee's house, but nothing quite went to plan! My new neighbour Jill popped over as she'd heard that there was usually a toddler group nearby, but she couldn't find it! I explained that there was a two week break for Easter and invited her in for a cuppa. She seems lovely! She has a little boy a bit younger than Wiggles. After she'd left we all popped into Tilly's house quickly and had a cuppa with her and Mrs Robinson. That was pretty much all we did, apart from very boring cleaning!!
Wednesday - Work for me. Nothing of interest happened. The two small people stayed with their Gran which they loved. They got to go to the park so they were happy! Mr Husband watched football in the evening so I had a lovely early night.
Thursday - Poor little Wiggles had a terrible night cough, cough, cough. She was tired when we got up, poor sausage. Biscuit went with Mum to watch an Easter pantomime at my brother's day centre. I took Wiggles to the Doctor where she diagnosed "crackles" on one of her lungs. She gave her antibiotics, which hopefully will help her. We spent the rest if the day being quiet and taking it easy.
Friday - Work for me. Biscuit has now started cough, cough, coughing. Wiggles has started to improve. I go to work and *gasp* there was NO curry man!!! No curry!! Thankfully Mr Husband offered to buy a takeaway instead. Phew. I got home in time to cuddle both forks and kiss them goodnight. Sometimes long days can be hard. At least it was my last day off until after Easter.
Saturday - I had a lovely lay in. Mr Husband was going to Wembley to watch football. After a yummy bacon and egg sarnie he headed off. We went to the allotment and met Impressive E and Impressive D. I pottered around a little and did a little weeding. Wiggles had a sleep in her buggy and even poor little Biscuit had forty winks snuggled up under picnic blankets. We came home and had sausages and mash for tea followed by allotment rhubarb and custard. Wiggles was really making me laugh asking for an 'ug! She loves a cuddle! I put them to bed, then enjoyed a lovely cold bottle of San Miguel and watched the Crime Channel snuggled on the sofa.
Sunday - The kiddies and I got up and left Mr Husband to sleep. When he got up Mr Husband popped to the shops and bought us lunch. After we'd eaten we headed out to see Aunty Shubert, Uncle Schubert and their new little baby boy The Littlest Schubert. Lis, Neat and their two gorgeous girls BB and Fee were there too. It was so lovely to see everyone. Sadly our two, who've not been all that well, weren't the best behaved. Tired I think.
You can see Biscuit had definitely reached her limit by this point!!
We came home fed them up and gave them an early night!
Well that was mine, how was yours?
Love, love,

Sounds like a very tiring week with some nice moments woven in. Hope you're all on the mend by now! At least rhubarb, at least that!
ReplyDeleteI think that sums things up pretty well my dear! And rhubarb is so often a saviour! :) x