I thought it was about time I brought you up to date with what's been happening....
Last time I wrote I mentioned (in this post) that I was heading out with some friends for a night out. Nearly a year earlier, Mr Husband (after a considerable amount of badgering) bought me these shoes for Wiggles's Christening:
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Image courtesy of newlook,com |
So wear them I did! And I hobbled and staggered, and danced and walked very, very carefully in them indeed and I still love them, still! We had a great night. Pizza and wine in Prezzo first of all, followed by cocktails then, slightly giddy dancing in, ugh, a nightclub! I have pretty much always hated clubs, but if there are plenty of people I like going then I'm game!
I snaffled myself a new dress specially for the occasion and I was really, really pleased with it. Particularly as it was only a measly £20 from Tesco! I'm going to save it for my Christmas work do as it really is lovely, a little bit glamorous without being overdressed.
Sadly I didn't get a full length picture, but here is one of my lovely friend Tilly and I, with an obligatory glass of wine!
The following day my slightly fuzzy head needed to be outdoors having some cobwebs blown away. We managed to find four - FOUR - geocaches in one day - a record for me! Mr Husband was pleased as we seemed to find lots that had evaded us. After that it was home again for a yummy meal for just Mr Husband and I, we don't get to do that often enough!
Sunday we had lunch with my Mum and Dad to celebrate my Mum's birthday. We'd been told that there was a pretty big storm on the way and my Dad made jokes about having to dig out the candles - little did we know!!
Monday morning we woke up in the early hours to a power cut and A LOT of strong wind outside. We checked the children and went back to sleep as there wasn't much else we could do. When Mr Husband woke up for work at 7 o'clock the power had still not returned. Assuming it would be back on at any time we sat out the storm watching branches snap and leaves whirl madly around. Damage locally was quite extensive, lots of trees down, tiles dislodged and even some roof damage to local houses hit by trees. Power didn't return that evening, or the next morning, or the next evening! In fact it eventually came back on again on Wednesday evening. Three whole days and two nights without power was too much for me! We found candles, camping stoves and tea lights to see us through. We spent the dark evenings playing hungry hippos with the children before they went to bed, then reading books by candlelight after that. Eventually I'll probably look back on the experience fondly, but right now it's a little too fresh!! Partly because we'd been watching atop many episodes of The Walking Dead and I'd developed an irrational fear of after dark zombies and partly because I clearly rely far too heavily on mod cons for my own good, plus I'm quite partial to heating!!
Thankfully power was restored in time for Biscuit's long awaited Spooky Party! Five little five year old girls dressed as witches and pirates screamed around having a ball. They were all lovely and really well behaved. Biscuit is lucky to have such sweet friends.
Then on Friday I went out with some of the lovely people I work with for a Thai meal after work. My very lovely friend Roo took us all to her brother's restaurant in a town a little way away. The food was AMAZING ! Though I only managed a quick phone-shot of the starters, they didn't hang around for long! I've never been out for Thai food before, but I will definitely have to go back. The diet went out the window for the night and I happily stuffed myself silly!
Love, love,

I hope you had a great night, those shoes are to die for, Your girls look so cute in their outfits! I want the cat for Ophelia but they had ran out of her size each time I went.A Halloween party must of been so much fun too x
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry it's taken me so long to reply! It was great fun, thank you!
DeleteOh wow, you have all been busy!! Those killer heels are beyond amazing {& perfect for the season} & I give you a standing ovation for surviving so long without power!! I would have flipped. Yikes! And even more kudos for throwing a party so quickly after surviving the black out!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry it's taken me so long to reply! I am shamefully proud of survive the shoes! And thank you for the kudos :)
DeleteOh no, no power! We got off lightly here. Skull heels are perfect but I would fail to walk in them, even ever so carefully. I would have to put them on a shelf and admire them.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry it's taken me so long to reply! I did spend quite a lot of time eyeing them in the mirror...is that bad? :) x