Monday - I made a bad decision on the school run to leave the rain cover at home. We got soaked!!! Annoyingly, about an hour after we got home it was bright and sunny. Wiggles and I took Pearl out for a walk to make the most of the sunshine. It was lovely, that baby really loves that puppy. After picking Biscuit up from school she went to her dance session. Wiggles stayed at home with my Mum so I got to actually sit down with the other Mummies! Biscuit really enjoyed herself again.
Tuesday - Wiggles and I went to her baby group and were pretty much biff free, huzzah! She played beautifully on her own and occasionally with other children. I expected her to be pooped afterwards but she had quite a short nap and was something of a grump for a lot of the afternoon, not even wanting a biscuit!!! We had hair appointments after school (our hairdresser comes to us), we heard a knock at the door and were expecting it to be the hairdresser. It turned out to be Impressive E, Woolly and Beetle, they'd locked themselves out, poor things, in the pouring rain! We brought them in and dried them off and gave them tea. The hairdresser arrived and we all got tidied up, even Wiggles had her first little snip! Bless her, she did really well, she probably sat still better than her sister! Impressive E, Woolly and Beetle stayed for tea, we all had a big lasagne and garlic bread. It was lovely. I hope they get locked out again!!
Wednesday - work for me. LB made white chocolate cheesecake for tiffin, mmmm... I finally finished my latest blanket for Wiggles. It's a biggy! What do you think?
Thursday - school run, more and more and more rain. Biscuit was excited because they were letting the children straight into their classrooms. She actually whooped with joy! Wiggles and I went over to Lucky's house for tea with her, Dinky, Tilly and Em. Impressive E was going to come too, but she'd double booked herself! We were celebrating Lucky's new tea set, we bought her the matching milk jug for her birthday, so it was lovely to see the full set in use. They're so pretty, look;
Friday - What an exciting day!r Husband and I woke up early and made our way into London together with work friend Bob. At the tube station we met my other work chums Shoe, Lynn and Jade then together we made our way across London to our audition to be on UK quiz show Eggheads. We arrived crazy early, so Shoe insisted (quite rightly) that we shelter from the cold and rain in a nearby pub. After warming up a little we made our way to the audition venue where we met two really lovely members of the Eggheads production team and another team of would be contestants - a group of very bearded gentlemen. We played a mock up of the quiz game against the other team. I was the only member of our team to get their question wrong (the shame) as I was wholly unaware that onions and garlic stemmed from the Lilly family. It didn't matter though as we still won (yay!). We all had a great giggle though, we have to wait to hear how we got on, but really, I just enjoyed the experience. We made our way back, stopping for a bite to eat on the way home. Mr Husband pretty much stopped for a cuppa before he had to turn around and go back out to spend an evening with his pals. I was pooped, I don't know how he did it! I was asleep by half nine!
Saturday - We had a lazy morning. At lunchtime Biscuit headed to the local village pantomime with her Gran, her Uncle and her chum Woolly. Mr Husband, Wiggles and I went for a lovely (slightly flooded) riverside walk with my Dad, his woofer and little Pearl the pug. Afterwards we went to a lovely little tea room for a yummy cream tea. Biscuit got home having had a wonderful time at the panto. In the evening Mr Husband treated us to a very yummy Indian takeaway. A lovely end to the day.
Sunday - I had a lovely lay in after which we popped into a nearby town to get some wool. I've been fresh out since my blanket above and I have hated it!!! I'm all stocked up again now and raring to go, well, crochet. After leaving the town we headed out for a lovely long walk. There was a lot of mud, but I can't say I cared. It feels like ages since the weather's been nice enough for us to go for a good long walk and despite it being very wet underfoot it was lovely to really walk again and enjoy some winter sun. Bye bye cobwebs!
Well that was mine, how was yours?
Love, love,

How on earth do you get so much done?? The new blanket is adorable (you should do a basic crochet tutorial series, I'm dying to learn). Lucky's new tea set is so sweet, what a lovely tradition taking tea is!
ReplyDeleteI'm not really sure myself if I'm honest! These posts really help when people ask what I've been up to! I used to say nothing, now I note then with detail! ;) xx
DeleteI'm keeping my fingers crossed you're successful in your Eggheads bid and get chosen! I'm glad the biffing is dying down now too :) x
ReplyDeleteThank you and indeed thank you lovely lady! :) xx
DeleteYour week sounds amazing... so much good food and friends and walks and babies dancing! If this Eggheads thing happens you must let me know straight away! My husband has friends in piratey places and I think I'd be able to see the episode right away after it aired, which I'd super super want to! ps. Your blanket is killer. It makes me want to learn crochet...
ReplyDeleteI certainly will my dear, go gets crossed!! And on the crochet front I have just the giveaway for you.....:) xx
DeleteSounds like a fun week with mud and all! I would love to have all those walks and tea.. Hope you get the Eggheads works out for you, sounds like it would a blast!
ReplyDeleteOh Tiffany, that mud!!!! Thank you lovely, fingers formly crossed! :) xx
DeleteAhhhh, thank you lovely! I honoured xxx
ReplyDeleteUmmm that blanket...oh my love it!! Xx