Monday - Biscuit to school, Wiggles and I came home. Impressive E and Beetle came over for a cuppa and to have a look at a nearby empty house that they were interested in. We had a good butchers through windows and over the fence. After they'd gone home Wiggles and I popped out to buy some lovely hot pink wool for my delightful blanket giveaway winner. I made Spanish Omelette fur lunch which Wiggles hoovered up with great enthusiasm. Whilst she point blank refused to nap I made a start on my blanket. After half an hour of refusing to sleep I got Wiggles back up and we watched Raa Raa The Noisy Lion until it was time to get Biscuit. We came home and Wiggles had fallen asleep in her buggy so Mum looked after her whilst I took Biscuit dancing. Pots, a very old friend of mine, was there and we had a lovely chat and a catch up.
As we walked home there was the most beautiful sunset:
We came home and saw Daddy, then had tea together and put the little people to bed. I slept the evening with my trusty hook, blanket-ing away!
Tuesday - Biscuit to school as usual, the sub shone! Yay! Toddler group was cancelled, not sure why, so Impressive E, Beetle, Tilly, Em and I all went over to Lucky and Dinky's house for coffee instead. Lucky had made the most delicious cookies. I tried so hard to resist them, but ended up having three! I love those girls. I really love chatting and spending time with them. We came home and had lunch then Wiggles had a lovely long sleep. So long that I left her to sleep whilst Mum listened out for her and went to pick up Biscuit on my own. It feels bizarre to go anywhere without her. We were supposed to have an appointment at "the children's dentist" but the dentist had phone to reschedule. Biscuit was so disappointed she actually cried! Poor, funny girl!
Wednesday - A dull and uninspiring day, nothing of any particular merit occurred. LB and I had a guest sitting with us at work, which was nice and also a bit strange, I feel like we've very much got used to it just being the two of us. Made a nice change though. A quiet evening as well, crochet and television. Just the usual.
Thursday - Was World Book Day at Biscuit's school. She insisted on dressing as Belle from Beauty and the Beast, even though it is by no means her favourite book. I think she just wanted to wear a princess dress, but I can understand that! Wiggles was so desperate to join in that she also spent the day dressed up. I tried to interest her in a marvellous looking Peppa Pig outfit that we had lurking, but she by far preferred to dress as a little lilac fairy. Fine by me! They did both look very sweet:
Wiggles and I joined Biscuit at her church assembly, which was nice. We got to see her singing her school songs and merrily joining in with all the actions. I felt a little ashamed as Wiggles had pulled both her shoes and socks off without me realising before we left the house, so she looked like a little pauper. Poor tot! We didn't pick Biscuit up from school as she was going straight to ballet with her Gran, but Wiggles was so upset that she wasn't going anywhere when she saw Gran getting coats ready, that I promised her we would take Pearl the Pug for a walk instead. It was lovely weather, low sun shining across the river and I was really glad we'd got out to enjoy it.
Wiggles and I joined Biscuit at her church assembly, which was nice. We got to see her singing her school songs and merrily joining in with all the actions. I felt a little ashamed as Wiggles had pulled both her shoes and socks off without me realising before we left the house, so she looked like a little pauper. Poor tot! We didn't pick Biscuit up from school as she was going straight to ballet with her Gran, but Wiggles was so upset that she wasn't going anywhere when she saw Gran getting coats ready, that I promised her we would take Pearl the Pug for a walk instead. It was lovely weather, low sun shining across the river and I was really glad we'd got out to enjoy it.
Friday - Work again. Uneventful again. One exciting thing that happened was that Lynn had brought in her Eggheads pictures! Here's a nice one of our whole team, including the gorgeous Mr Husband on the far left, sat with all our Eggheads and with Jeremy Vine:
I usually work until around 6.30 pm and was amused to discover that my boss had sneaked back into the building after going shopping to check that I was still there! It was all done light heartedly and I laughed at her for it! I left quite late actually, I was a surprisingly busy bee!
I usually work until around 6.30 pm and was amused to discover that my boss had sneaked back into the building after going shopping to check that I was still there! It was all done light heartedly and I laughed at her for it! I left quite late actually, I was a surprisingly busy bee!
Saturday - Mr Husband was off to the football first thing. Initially I wasn't sure how we would fill a day without him, I really miss him when he's not with us at weekends, but I would never tell him that for fear that he'd feel bad about his beloved football. Wiggles was t feeling quite her usual self, so we watched The Sword in the Stone and had some cuddles on the sofa:
To keep ourselves entertained (and fed) we decided to make some cookies together.; raisin and oat, which made the house smell yummy. And tasted pretty good too!!
In the afternoon Biscuit put her pretty dress on and went out to a birthday party, driven there and back by Lucky. Wiggles and I went out for a walk to enjoy the sunshine. When Biscuit came home we all ate tea. Mr Husband was back home by half six and he helped me put the children to bed. In the evening we watched The Great Gatsby which I really enjoyed.
Sunday - My day off!! Read all about it here. I had a delicious decadent lunch all on my own and I didn't have to coax anyone onto eating theirs up. What a novelty!!
Mr Husband took the girls to the zoo and I enjoyed some time alone, in the afternoon I went to Auntie Schubert's baby shower, which was lovely. I didn't really know many of the other girls but they were all very sweet. Auntie Schubert looked ready to pop, but I hope she had a good time:
I got home to two children who had had a lovely time and the zoo, and also to a roast dinner cooked by Mr Husband. How fab!! In the evening we watched another film: Stoker. I wasn't all that impressed with this one. Would love to know if anyone else has seen it? And what you thought?
Well that was mine, how was yours?
Love, love,

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