Last week, my week went a little something like this:
Monday - Oh Monday! Monday! Monday! Usually so dull, but not today! After dropping Biscuit off we took a trip to the supermarket to buy drinks and nibbly snacks for the evening. We came hone and Wiggles slept then we headed out to meet my lovely friend Nettle and her three gorgeous girls. I have known Nettle since Biscuit was a baby and it's lovely that we still manage to meet up and catch up. This time we went for an after school trip around the farm. All the girls enjoyed the tractors and the animals. Oh yes, and the welly wanging!
Afterwards we scooted back super-quick to scoff down our smug slow cooker sausage casserole before putting the girls to bed. Because Mr Husband was out at the football I invited Lucky, Tilly and Impressive E over for a couple of drinks. We were distinctly well behaved! No one did a sick! Although when Mr Husband arrived home he was greeted by the sight of me on all fours with my bum in the air cleaning up a glass of water knocked over by Tilly Butterfingers! It wouldn't be a Tilly if something didn't go flying! Eventually we turned in at around half one.
Monday - Oh Monday! Monday! Monday! Usually so dull, but not today! After dropping Biscuit off we took a trip to the supermarket to buy drinks and nibbly snacks for the evening. We came hone and Wiggles slept then we headed out to meet my lovely friend Nettle and her three gorgeous girls. I have known Nettle since Biscuit was a baby and it's lovely that we still manage to meet up and catch up. This time we went for an after school trip around the farm. All the girls enjoyed the tractors and the animals. Oh yes, and the welly wanging!
Afterwards we scooted back super-quick to scoff down our smug slow cooker sausage casserole before putting the girls to bed. Because Mr Husband was out at the football I invited Lucky, Tilly and Impressive E over for a couple of drinks. We were distinctly well behaved! No one did a sick! Although when Mr Husband arrived home he was greeted by the sight of me on all fours with my bum in the air cleaning up a glass of water knocked over by Tilly Butterfingers! It wouldn't be a Tilly if something didn't go flying! Eventually we turned in at around half one.
Tuesday - Woke up tired, but not hung over. Yay! A bloomin pneumatic drill was digging up the road directly outside my bedroom window which was a delight to wake up to. Wiggles and I went to baby group, no babies were biffed. Result! There were lots of new mummies and babies to chat to which was lovely. We came home and I joined Wiggles for a nap. After collecting Biscuit from school I had to race into town to colder a courtesy car and take my car in to be repaired. In the evening Mr Husband and I watched Game of Thrones then headed to bed. We were both sleepy and in need of an early night.
Wednesday - Work, work, work. At lunchtime I went and got my fat ass weighed in Boots, as reported in this post. In the evening Uncle Schubert, Auntie Schubert and Baby Schubert came over to see us, they brought Biscuit and I birthday presents, bless them! Poor Baby Schubert was feeling windy and a little grumpy so they couldn't stay that long but it was lovely to see them anyway. Mr Husband was feeling poorly so went to bed early, leaving me to stay up far too late watching Orphan Black episodes on iPlayer. Naughty!
Thursday - It chucked it down first thing, it was grey and horrible like a winter's day. We went to Biscuit's church assembly, which was nice. After coming home we did house jobs, made soup and had lunch. It was the first time I'd had soup for ages and I used my new soup bowl, kindly bought for my birthday by Lucky. How cool is this?
After lunch Wiggles had her nap. The weather eventually cleared up and because we were feeling a little stir crazy we took Pearl the Pug out for a walk. Biscuit went to ballet with her Gran straight after school so we didn't need to be back home. It was really nice to get done air. Mr Husband came gone still feeling a little poorly so we has tea and a quiet night.
Friday - A wholly unremarkable day, even lunchtime was dull, I went to the shops to buy hits to prepare for the weekend. Me Husband was still feeling poorly when I got home, so we threw a couple of things into a case ready for Saturday.
Saturday - I woke up early and gave the children breakfast, then a quick bath and off we went to London to begin a weekend away just Mr Husband and I. It was hard leaving the kids, but lovely to spend some time alone. We travelled up and got the tube, eventually arriving at Liverpool Street where we met my Dad. Weirdly just as we arrived they were evacuating, so we had find Pa in a crowd outside. We made our way to his apartment and he showed us around before heading off.
It's beautiful, but it's a looooomg way down! The balcony have us the heebie jeebies! After sorting ourselves out we headed to Spitalfields for a butchers. There was a big vintage market on, but nothing really took my eye. We had a very healthy lunch at Leon, Thai green chicken and Moroccan meatballs which we shared between us. Once we finished we headed over to Southbank, had a wander and bought tickets for Titus Andronicus at The Globe that evening.
We headed back to the apartment, got ready and then headed to the apartment building's club for dinner. After we'd eaten we set out for The Globe again. We prefer to walk most places rather than relying on public transport as we always think you stumble across things you'd otherwise miss.
I LOVE The Globe. Our seats were ok, plus we hired cushions and we had chocolate - yay!
Titus Andronicus was great. All the reviews have said it's really grisly telling tales if audience members fainting. It WAS grisly, I can't deny it, but nothing that bad! We decided that the audience member that fainted (yes, there was one) early wasn't used to watching Game of Thrones like us! Anyway, if you get the chance I'd recommend it. Afterwards we headed sleepily back to the apartment and to bed.
Sunday - We woke up early to a strange buzzing sound. Annoying as being childless we didn't NEED to be up early. Grrr. We had breakfast in bed and watched telly which was delightfully decadent. After taking ages to get up and get ready we headed out to Arsenal football ground. We popped into my favourite shop in the world in the way; Vivien of Holloway, but sadly just as we arrived a group of bridesmaids arrived and occupied each of the three changing rooms. I knew they were going to be there ages as they had no clue about sizes and were very general about what they wanted to try on. Sadly this meant I couldn't try on the dress I'd had my eye on (that I was 99% sure I wanted to buy) so we forced to leave empty handed. A real shame. At least the sun was shining! We made our way to our seats in the ground and soaked up the atmosphere
I'm not really much of a football fan. Not at all of truth be told, but it was the last home game of the season so there was a happy feel about the place, especially as we beat West Bromwich Albion 1-0.
Afterwards we walked back to our apartment stopping off for a delicious four seasons pizza and antipasti near Liverpool Street. It was YUMMERS! And I enjoyed a lovely pink glass of wine too. Cheeky!
Once we'd finished we hot footed it back to our apartment as we'd booked the private cinema for 6pm. We ordered a drink, took our seats and watched Insomnia with Al Pacino and Robin Wiliams. It was good. The cinema was great though! If I'd lived there I'd never go to a public cinema again! We were pretty shattered after that so headed back for an early night. We drank tea snuggled in bed and watched old episodes of QI. Lovely!!
Well that was mine, how was yours?
Love, love,

Wow, what a great week! Thanks for linking up with #TWTWC x
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! :) xx