Monday - Mr Husband was slightly later into work as he had the Dentist first thing, I walked Biscuit to school, she was all excited about going to Princesses for tea. As I was walking out of school Dee stopped me and asked if she could have a little word. She asked if I was cross with her for any reason and explained that she felt I'd been a little distant. I was mortified! I hadn't felt at all cross with her and was very upset that she felt this way. I reassured her that I felt nothing of the sort and we had a good hug and cleared the air. It worries me that perhaps I am unintentionally exclusive, I don't mean to be. I worry that I don't think enough. I hope we've sorted "it" now though, whatever "it" was and I'm very glad she was able to voice her fears and give me chance to respond. After getting home I whipped up to Homebase to buy some more yellow paint for the decorator as she'd run out. In fact, the decorating was all finished by the evening and we started to move her back in after tea.
In the evening I made a start on painting her chair to match her new decor and then we settled down to watch the Game of Thrones Season Finale. Man, it was good! Valar Morghulis!
Wednesday - Work for me, another busy, but unremarkable day. I took in some strawberries for LB and I. Went to need early in the evening to finish my book, feeling a bit bleurgh.
The sun was shining and we went to the swings together before returning for tea. A lovely relaxing day.

Tuesday - Woke up early and grumpy for some reason. Biscuit had to go to school wearing red and white for a dance workshop, she was so excited. I did a bit of sorting out after the school run and finished painting the chair. Wiggles room is all clean and dry now so I moved her cot back in. We nipped along to baby group for a coffee then came home for Wiggles' nap. We all went to the swings after school and after tea I put up pictures then went to pick allotment strawberries for a treat. Love fresh strawberries, warm from the sun. Yum.
I am never going to be a food photographer.... |
Thursday - Biscuit's Sports Day. Just as we were leaving she announced that she's lost her plimsolls and hasn't seen them for weeks, gah! Cue frantic searching at school, before her lovely Teaching Assistant found her a spare pair. Phew. The Headmaster (in his infinite wisdom) declared Sports Day would be an all day event so after the school run we came home and prepared a picnic before heading back out.
Biscuit did really well, a first in the Egg & Spoon and in the Hoop Race, and she kept in smiling despite freezing cold grey weather, bless her. I'm not sure I could have done that!
Friday - Work for me, it felt like a really long day. After work we had my manager Shoe's retirement party. It's going to be so sad without her, she's lovely. It was a good do though and it went well. Have a colleague a lift home so she could have a drink and didn't get in til 11 o'clock - shattered!!!
Saturday - Got up early (ish) to drive Ke Husband to a car showroom a couple of hours away to pick up his new car. He was very pleased with it. Poor boy had a bit of a mare when we got back though, I won't go into boring detail, but he ended up panicking for the rest of the day. Biscuit went to a party in the afternoon, driven by Dee and after tea we went to the supermarket where I picked up this fantastic book which is been hankering after for ages.
We had an early night because I was pooped, but becaus I've got a manky cold I still didn't sleep all that well. Hmph.
Sunday - Another early start, we took Mr Husband's old car to We Buy Any Car. Sad to say it go, but necessary. Afterwards we drive to Nana and Grandad's house for a lovely lunch. The children played beautifully together.
Well that was mine, how was yours?
Love, love,

The shelves look fab :) Sounds like a good week, although full of goodbyes!
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx
Funny, I hadn't realised until you said it, but yes it was, wasn't it? :)