Monday - Dee came over for coffee in the morning (I am making a concerted effort to see her more after last week) and we had a good old chat. Then, just as she was leaving the Blind Men turned up to fit lots of new blinds for us around the house. Ahhh, the Blind Men, so many jokes.... Anyway, they look lovely and I'm dead pleased with them. My Mum and Brother left for a week away on holiday with some friends, so we are left with two small pooches for company. After the school run I came home and cleared out Mr Husband' study. It's been slowly taken over with toys during the decorating and I was starting to feel sorry for him losing his little space. All empty now though! We had mini-meatball pasta bake for tea, which I made using up four beefburgers that we had left over from Saturday. I felt thrifty in a saintly way!
Tuesday - A pretty standard Tuesday for us, we went to baby group did the school run, nothing amazing happened.
Wednesday - Work for me, Mr Husband had to day off to look after Wiggles and Biscuit as Mum was away. I gave Mr Husband a long list of jobs to do like making the tea, doing the washing hoping that he'd be run off his feet, but dammit he managed to do everything AND clean the fishtank. Dammit
Thursday - I was dozey and left Biscuit's lunchbox at home so had to school run twice to take it in. Impressive E came over to paint Wiggles' wardrobe for me. She is a motherfluffin genius! Because Mum's away I had to take Biscuit to her ballet class. When we got home from school just before leaving I was in the kitchen making her a drink just before leaving and she came running down the stairs shouting "The fish! The fish!" I went upstairs to see what she was taking about and the new blind had blown a stone statue of Buddha off the windowsill and into the fish tank smashing it. There was water all over the carpet, all over the chair, running down the stairs, everywhere! The poor fish had about five minutes to live when I found him so I scooped him out the dregs at the bottom, chucked him into my biggest mixing bowl filled with water, chucked a couple of towels on the stairs and went to ballet! Poor Mr Husband had to but another fish tank on his way home from work! In the evening I painted Wiggles' toybox (badly) and collected my Dad from the train station.
Friday - Day off for me, woooo wooo! We went to Tilly's house to play and Impressive E, Lucky and the kids joined us and we had baguettes for lunch. Yum! I took Wiggles home after we'd eaten as she was getting tired and yucky. After making the kids tea I started getting ready to go out. I met Jill and we walked round to meet Tilly, Impressive E and then Lucky at the pub. We all shared some scampi and chips before having lots of wine and some good chats.
Check out the tiddly ladies and my "charming" village pub!
Saturday - Lovely lay in for me. Me Husband took Biscuit to the cinema to see Malificent, Wiggles and I were happy mooching about. My new toy arrived in the post!
A Jawbone Up activity tracker a gift from my lovely husband. I spent quite a whole obsessively finding out how works. Once I've been using it a while I will post a proper review. In the afternoon we went to the supermarket where we bought Wiggles a soft toy princess doll and Biscuit a Frozen sticker book, they were both very pleased.
Sunday - I got up and Mr Husband had a lay in. We tidied up a bit and I started on making roast chicken for our lunch. After we'd eaten and Wiggles had her nap we went for a little walk to get some fresh air. In the evening we went to our neighbours house for drinks with lots of the other neighbours. We all get on very well, it was lovely. After coming home and putting the girls to bed Mr Husband and I ate cheese and biscuits together until we felt fat, fantastic!
Well that was mine, how was yours?
Love, love,

Oooh cheese sounds good! It's so lovely to get on with your neighbours :) What does the Jawbone Up do?
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx
I could eat my bodyweight in it! Which is why I have an Up! It's an activity and sleep tracker, like a very clever pedometer that monitors your entire life! :) x