Do you ever meet up with friends and find yourself stumped when they ask "So....what have YOU been up to?" I feel like that a lot! Despite the fact I know we've had a busy time lately I'm struggling to remember a lot of what we've been doing to keep you up to date! But here are some of the highlights:
It was Biscuit's school fete a couple of week's ago, which she adored! She had a go in everything there was to offer, nail painting, face painting, the art table, grown your own sunflower. She even won Mummy a bottle of plonk of the tombola, happy Mummy! Wiggles and I were papped enjoying the fun by a local photographer and friend:
It was Biscuit's school fete a couple of week's ago, which she adored! She had a go in everything there was to offer, nail painting, face painting, the art table, grown your own sunflower. She even won Mummy a bottle of plonk of the tombola, happy Mummy! Wiggles and I were papped enjoying the fun by a local photographer and friend:

The allotment is going well, it's that wonderful pre-fruit stage where you can see its all forming, but not quite there yet. Mmmmm....fruit!
Last weekend we were supposed to be joining in with our village's midsummer picnic, but sadly I was poorly and couldn't go along. Instead Biscuit went with her grandparents and had a marvellous time dancing to the live band by all accounts! Bit gutted I didn't get to watch her...
We visited my MIL & FIL last weekend, when I was all better, they are lovely and we don't get to see then enough! I'm really looking forward to visiting my Sister in Law in the school holidays. It's going to be lovely to catch up with her too, she hasn't even met Wiggles yet!! Dear, dear!!
My lovely friend Impressive E gave birth to a beautiful baby girl two weeks ago, henceforth to be known as Tig. She had a pretty horrendous birth that involved a complicated C-section, five hours in surgery, interventional radiology and a uterine stent. Not fun. Not fun at all. My poor chum was amazingly looked after by the hospital, but as you can imagine wasn't in great shape after all that. She's gradually getting better, getting used to having a tiny new baby again and all that goes with it. Poor love is shattered and we're all trying to do as much as we can for her to make life a little easier. Tig is a darling though and very much worth it. She makes me hideously broody!!
Coming up we have Craft Fairs, BBQ's, Farm Parties, Meet the Teacher Evenings, School Concerts, Sports Day, a cocktail night, a history walk, a visit to the Harry Potter exhibition and a Music Festival to name but a few things!
Happy days indeed. Hope yours are happy too!
Love, love,

Nice to catch up on everything you're up to! Haven't really been commenting much on anyone's blogs recently but I am reading. Hope you're well Kate!
ReplyDeleteHello Bel! I am very well thank you! I've been the same, I've been keeping up to date, but I feel like I have less and less time to comment, which isn't good. I suppose it goes hand in hand with being busy doesn't it?!!! :) x