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Saturday, 31 August 2013
A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2013.
Visiting a friend, enjoying the sunshine, Wiggles seems to have her drink perpetually stuck to her at the moment, but IS wearing her hat, which is something of a bonus! Biscuit was about to practice some golf. Which essentially translates into battering things with a long piece of plastic. It's rare that I'm ever in front of the camera, rather than behind, so I very much wanted to share this photograph of us all dressed up in our pretty dresses, enjoying a summer afternoon.
Friday, 30 August 2013
Friday Treats.....#1 - Twizzle Sticks
I am a working Mama. I have a part time job and work two days a week, on Wednesdays and on Fridays. I have worked in the same field for seventeen years, nearly half my life! So I guess must enjoy it, right? I am lucky enough to have been allowed to work what they call "Condensed Hours" which means that I am at work for nineteen hours a week, nearly three days in standard length days, but in fact I'm only in the office for two days. This is brilliant, but it does mean that often I leave before Wiggles wakes up and she's then asleep by the time I get back home. That's tough.

Biscuit, being older, is allowed to stay up a little later when I'm at work so we can see each other when I get home. I can chat to her, find out about her day and make sure she's ok. I put her to bed, read with her and reconnect after that time apart, which makes us both happy.
I do feel a little guilty about not being there for the all the time though. I suppose that's why I got into the habit of buying Biscuit a "Friday Treat". Each week I buy her a present, just something small, to let her know that I've been thinking of her, so that she knows I love her even when I'm not with her. I try and spend just a tiny amount, £1, maybe £2. Money doesn't matter to her, she just enjoys the gift. When Wiggles gets older I'll buy her a once weekly treat too.
It's turned into a bit of a competition with myself to buy the nicest gift I can find, for the smallest amount of money.
Anyway, I thought I'd start sharing her Friday treats with you. They vary, but they're not usually the same twice. I just wanted to show that you don't have to shower your child in expensive gifts, or break the bank to make them happy.
So here goes, this weeks Friday treat is:
Friday Treat: A glitter baton!
Price: Reduced in Wilkinson's from £2.50 to £1. Apparently it should assist with coordination and encourages active play. Winner!
Reaction: Ecstatic!
Go me! Do you buy little gifts to make your small people smile?
Have great weekends!
Love, love,

The other rather marvellous thing about working on a Friday is that it's Curry Friday! As described in this post. This week was a delicious Chicken Mogul, a light fragrant curry made with almonds, served with South Indian Dahl. A good 8/10! Good work Ken.
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Oh my darlings, I've been away, had a sojourn if you will, but I've missed my Currently posts like crazy. So I'm back! The delightful Ot and Et and Harvesting Kale are hosting and I am Currently....
Loving: Getting ready for the new school year. I can remember this feeling from my school days, new shoes, new pencil case, crisp smart new uniform. New teachers in new classrooms and the familiarity and comfort of old friends. I love the start of school, so does Biscuit. Roll on September!
Cleaning: Before we went on holiday I cleaned every inch of our house. It was sparkling. So much so that I've only really needed to do little bits to catch up since then, which is always a bonus. One thing I can never get away with not cleaning though is the television stand in our lounge. Some smarty pants thought it would be a good idea to have black glass which shows every gummy little baby hand print. Sigh. I clean that thing almost as often as I breathe out.
Working: I've been working on a little project which I really must post about. Nothing major, just tweaking an old dress to make it wearable. Great fun though. I love giving new life to something old and a bit rubbish.
Creating: Biscuit was given a Sock Monster kit for her birthday back in April and I've been trying to finish off her monster. In truth I haven't really got very far. I don't feel very creative following a rigid pattern and it's off putting. I should get on with it, but I keep finding more interesting little jobs. Poor Biscuit.
Watching: After not going up the cinema for about two years, we've been twice in the last month! The first time to see The World's End, I LOVED it. In fact it inspired this post. Then on Monday we saw Alpha Papa, the Alan Partridge film. It was great. As a long time fan of Steve Coogan I was a bit worried about how this would translate into film. I needn't have been concerned, it was hysterical and cringe worthy and amazing.
Next week: Growing, Buying, Earning, Judging, Embracing
Join in?
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
The Active Life......#1: Hunting for Treasure
I really enjoy reading Aanie's blog The Active Mum, she inspires and motivates me and is truly lovely too. Although Aanie, I must confess I am still yet to dust off my running shoes, but it's in the pipeline trust me!
I noticed last week that she's started a new link up called The Active Life, here is what she has to say about it:
"I started this link up because I'm passionate about raising awareness of the importance of an active life style. It is so important to give our children opportunities to be active, and hopefully when they are old enough to make their own lifestyle decisions, they too will choose a healthy active lifestyle."
She's truly a lady after my own heart and I just couldn't agree with her more. I firmly believe that children nowadays are far too sedentary and much too easily amused indoors. As a child I loved to be outside, breathing fresh air and enjoying myself and that's just how I want to raise my daughters. So it was a very easy decision for me to join in with this link up.
As we're always on the lookout for new kinds of good old outdoor fun we decided to go Geocaching for the first time at the weekend. Geocaching essentially is an outdoor treasure hunt where you use the GPS system on your mobile phone to hide and seek little containers known as Geocaches. Caches are usually small waterproof containers hidden carefully around the countryside that contain a log book and sometimes toys and trinkets for swapping.
Once you've successfully located a Geocache, (trust me it isn't always easy, those pesky blighters are usually VERY well hidden) you sign the log and replace it for the next person to find. Geocaches are hidden all over the world, and the Geocaching website gives hints and clues as well as detailing caches hidden in your area.
As I said, we went at the weekend, together with Impressive E, Impressive D, Woolly and little baby Beetle went on her first expedition. Of course the children loved it, what child doesn't love a treasure hunt? They were racing around all over the shop pretending to be pirates, and we got lots of lovely fresh air and exercise.
After several hours of hunting we headed back to our house for baked Camembert and wine, which was also lovely. All in all a really lovely way of spending time with friends and getting the children to be a little more active.
I'd love to hear if any of you have any experience of Geocaching, or if you're planning on having a go in the future, please let me know! We're completely addicted!
Thanks for the chance to link up Aanie!
Love, love,
Monday, 26 August 2013
Magic Moments........#10
It's been a while since I last linked up with The Oliver's Madhouse for the Magic Moments series. It's not been because I'd gone off the idea or anything crazy like that, it's just that I feel for a moment to be truly magical it shouldn't be manufactured specifically to fit into a link up. Of course we can look for magical things that happen all around us in our every day lives, these things, although precious, are not always worth sharing... For example, I think it's pretty magical that my little girls will regularly hug one another at varying intervals throughout the day, but I can't imagine that's terribly fascinating to the wider world....
And a LOT has been going on around here, so I've been enjoying the moments, but not necessarily recording them, which I will probably have to start doing retrospectively I think, after all, that's what this blog is all about really!
Anyway, a magic moment happened the other day and I wanted to share it, record it and preserve it for all time.... it may be mundane and ordinary, but to me it's magical.
I'll set the scene a little.....
It's the weekend, it's tea time and we're all sat around enjoying our meal. Wiggles has pretty much eaten hers already, but to keep her amused whilst we finish off I give her a baby fork and some peas.
We carry on eating, I look up and see this:
My clever girl, it was MAGIC. Glad to be back guys!
And a LOT has been going on around here, so I've been enjoying the moments, but not necessarily recording them, which I will probably have to start doing retrospectively I think, after all, that's what this blog is all about really!
Anyway, a magic moment happened the other day and I wanted to share it, record it and preserve it for all time.... it may be mundane and ordinary, but to me it's magical.
I'll set the scene a little.....
It's the weekend, it's tea time and we're all sat around enjoying our meal. Wiggles has pretty much eaten hers already, but to keep her amused whilst we finish off I give her a baby fork and some peas.
We carry on eating, I look up and see this:
My clever girl, it was MAGIC. Glad to be back guys!

Sunday, 25 August 2013
Saturday, 24 August 2013
A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2013.
Each week whilst I work, my lovely Mum takes care of my children. Because we're smack bang in the middle of the school holiday's she's been trying to keep them busy. One of things she loves to do with them is take them with her to a coffee morning held each week in the local church. One of things that's so lovely about it is that it's mostly attended by elderly people who just adore seeing the children.
34/52 - Photograph courtesy of A Emmerson |
Each week whilst I work, my lovely Mum takes care of my children. Because we're smack bang in the middle of the school holiday's she's been trying to keep them busy. One of things she loves to do with them is take them with her to a coffee morning held each week in the local church. One of things that's so lovely about it is that it's mostly attended by elderly people who just adore seeing the children.
Anyway, this week they went and my Mum's friend's son was there taking photographs of the coffee morning for the Parish Magazine. He asked if it was ok to photograph the girls of course we said that was fine. Later on that day he emailed her the pictures, and this is what we received. I know that you're supposed to take the photographs yourself for this series, but I've checked and its ok for me to use this shot, so I couldn't resist. I just love it! Biscuit is covered in, well biscuit and Wiggles is giving her a sneaky hug. I love the light, the shade and the looks on their little faces. Thank you Alex, I will treasure it.....
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Did she really just say the C word?
Yep, I'm afraid so ladies and gentlemen, I'm warning you in advance, so that those of a sensitive disposition can look away now, this post is going to be littered with the C word.....
Yep, CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS! It may be August, but this post is all about Christmas! And I'm not even sorry....
I don't know about you, but I've already started spotting selection boxes in the supermarkets and Christmas cards in the card shops.... I know we're nowhere near the season to be jolly, but it seems that to big companies anywhere within six months of Christmas is fair game...
As a family, we don't have a lot of spare cash, so budgeting and forward planning help a lot round here, especially when we're thinking about Christmas. We had a marvellous Christmas last year, our first with both our girls. We feasted like kings and thoroughly spoilt our little ones and most importantly because we thought ahead we didn't break the bank.
So, because these things DO take a bit of careful planning and because by starting early you can make huge savings, these are my tips on saving a wee bit of cash, to make Christmas a little easier...
1. Save up your supermarket rewards points...
It may seem obvious, but saving the rewards points you can earn from supermarkets throughout the year and using them specifically for Christmas shopping you can make a huge difference. Mr Husband is OBSESSED with Sainsbury's Nectar Points. He will only fill his car up at Sainsbury's garage, or at a BP garage even if it means travelling out of his way. This can lead to motorway based arguments when the petrol light comes on but he INSISTS on continuing driving past all the other service stations until we reach a BP branch. Worth it in the end though, and we haven't broken down *yet*...... We also actively seek out deals that offer rewards points as an incentive, you can usually companies offering things like 1000 points for getting a car insurance comparison quote and that sort of thing. They may be fiddly and irritating at the time, but definitely worth it. We even have a toolbar on our PC that gives us extra points for searching for things on the internet, which we do anyway! We are total point whores, we will fill out any old form for a few extra points. Tesco's also run schemes where you can double up your vouchers to spend in a particular department, also very much worth it if you intend to buy presents from them, but you do have to be careful that the exchanged vouchers don't expire before you intend to do your shopping.
2. Join a Survey Site
Did you know you can earn money just for giving your opinion on stuff? Well neither did I until last year, but there are sites out there that will happily pay you so they can conduct market research. Last year I joined two sites, Valued Opinions and My Surveys where you sign up, then receive invitations by email to voice your opinions on products and advertising. I'm sure there are other sites out there as well that do this, but these are the only two I have personal experience of. For each survey you complete you are given either points or money, usually somewhere around 75p for each survey you complete. Sometimes you aren't eligible to complete a survey (often because they reach their target number of participants) but usually they you to give your opinions of a product, or watch a short commercial and give your opinions on that. Yes, sometimes it can be a little boring, but you can do it in your own time, you don't have to provide any information that you don't want to and hey - they pay you! When you reach either £10 or 110 points (depending on which site you are using) you then exchange your points or pounds for vouchers. You can choose where you would like to spend your vouchers from loads of different places, you can even opt to have your money deposited into your Paypal account. Do this enough times before Christmas and trust me, you are onto a winner!
3. Buy when the price is right...
Easter Eggs are a prime example of this theory. Buy them early enough and shops will offer crazy deals like buy one, get two free. Wait until two weeks before Easter and all the good deals have evaporated and you're stuck with the crazy prices because shops know that you have no choice. Exactly the same principle applies to Christmas. If there are things that you like to have for Christmas every year, like crackers, selection boxes, even Babycham (don't knock it, I love it!) shark the shops early! Buy them when the prices are good and squirrel them away. When the price shoots up you can legitimately feel smugger than a smug bloke from Smuggington. If you can't be trusted around a selection box two months in advance, put the flippin thing somewhere you really can't be bothered to go to get it back from. For me, it's the loft. I put all the Christmas goodies I buy early into the loft alongside my decorations. Even I can't be bothered to pull the ladder out and head up into the loft just because I have an overwhelming urge to fill my face with a Mars bar.
Last year we wrote a Fantasy List of Christmas Nibbly Snacks....every delicious thing you imagine yourself eating or drinking around Christmas to celebrate. Then with our points and vouchers we went and bought every flippin thing on that list entirely guilt free! It was amazing! Honestly, so much fun, even writing the list (which took us about two weeks) was brilliant. So, my pretties, go forth and save! Save like mad things! Then in exactly 128 days have the most enormous blow out!!
Love, love,

P.S I haven't received any reward or financial incentive to write this post from any company, just sharing some tips I thought my lovely readers might find useful. If any companies want to give me free shiz for carping on a bit, that would be fine by me, but I can't see it happening!! ;)
Yep, CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS! It may be August, but this post is all about Christmas! And I'm not even sorry....
I don't know about you, but I've already started spotting selection boxes in the supermarkets and Christmas cards in the card shops.... I know we're nowhere near the season to be jolly, but it seems that to big companies anywhere within six months of Christmas is fair game...
As a family, we don't have a lot of spare cash, so budgeting and forward planning help a lot round here, especially when we're thinking about Christmas. We had a marvellous Christmas last year, our first with both our girls. We feasted like kings and thoroughly spoilt our little ones and most importantly because we thought ahead we didn't break the bank.
So, because these things DO take a bit of careful planning and because by starting early you can make huge savings, these are my tips on saving a wee bit of cash, to make Christmas a little easier...
1. Save up your supermarket rewards points...
It may seem obvious, but saving the rewards points you can earn from supermarkets throughout the year and using them specifically for Christmas shopping you can make a huge difference. Mr Husband is OBSESSED with Sainsbury's Nectar Points. He will only fill his car up at Sainsbury's garage, or at a BP garage even if it means travelling out of his way. This can lead to motorway based arguments when the petrol light comes on but he INSISTS on continuing driving past all the other service stations until we reach a BP branch. Worth it in the end though, and we haven't broken down *yet*...... We also actively seek out deals that offer rewards points as an incentive, you can usually companies offering things like 1000 points for getting a car insurance comparison quote and that sort of thing. They may be fiddly and irritating at the time, but definitely worth it. We even have a toolbar on our PC that gives us extra points for searching for things on the internet, which we do anyway! We are total point whores, we will fill out any old form for a few extra points. Tesco's also run schemes where you can double up your vouchers to spend in a particular department, also very much worth it if you intend to buy presents from them, but you do have to be careful that the exchanged vouchers don't expire before you intend to do your shopping.
2. Join a Survey Site
Did you know you can earn money just for giving your opinion on stuff? Well neither did I until last year, but there are sites out there that will happily pay you so they can conduct market research. Last year I joined two sites, Valued Opinions and My Surveys where you sign up, then receive invitations by email to voice your opinions on products and advertising. I'm sure there are other sites out there as well that do this, but these are the only two I have personal experience of. For each survey you complete you are given either points or money, usually somewhere around 75p for each survey you complete. Sometimes you aren't eligible to complete a survey (often because they reach their target number of participants) but usually they you to give your opinions of a product, or watch a short commercial and give your opinions on that. Yes, sometimes it can be a little boring, but you can do it in your own time, you don't have to provide any information that you don't want to and hey - they pay you! When you reach either £10 or 110 points (depending on which site you are using) you then exchange your points or pounds for vouchers. You can choose where you would like to spend your vouchers from loads of different places, you can even opt to have your money deposited into your Paypal account. Do this enough times before Christmas and trust me, you are onto a winner!
3. Buy when the price is right...
Easter Eggs are a prime example of this theory. Buy them early enough and shops will offer crazy deals like buy one, get two free. Wait until two weeks before Easter and all the good deals have evaporated and you're stuck with the crazy prices because shops know that you have no choice. Exactly the same principle applies to Christmas. If there are things that you like to have for Christmas every year, like crackers, selection boxes, even Babycham (don't knock it, I love it!) shark the shops early! Buy them when the prices are good and squirrel them away. When the price shoots up you can legitimately feel smugger than a smug bloke from Smuggington. If you can't be trusted around a selection box two months in advance, put the flippin thing somewhere you really can't be bothered to go to get it back from. For me, it's the loft. I put all the Christmas goodies I buy early into the loft alongside my decorations. Even I can't be bothered to pull the ladder out and head up into the loft just because I have an overwhelming urge to fill my face with a Mars bar.
Last year we wrote a Fantasy List of Christmas Nibbly Snacks....every delicious thing you imagine yourself eating or drinking around Christmas to celebrate. Then with our points and vouchers we went and bought every flippin thing on that list entirely guilt free! It was amazing! Honestly, so much fun, even writing the list (which took us about two weeks) was brilliant. So, my pretties, go forth and save! Save like mad things! Then in exactly 128 days have the most enormous blow out!!
Merry Christmas me hearties! |

P.S I haven't received any reward or financial incentive to write this post from any company, just sharing some tips I thought my lovely readers might find useful. If any companies want to give me free shiz for carping on a bit, that would be fine by me, but I can't see it happening!! ;)
Saturday, 17 August 2013
A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2013.
Possibly one of my favourite photographs of all time. Both my beautiful girls, playing on a windy cliff top on their holiday. Biscuit dancing and her sister trying her hardest to join in. Behind them the sparkling sea. I love this picture. I have every intention of printing it off a thousand times and dotting it all around my house.
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Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Sunny days away...
We have just returned from a lovely little holiday in sunny Dorset. We stayed with Mr Husband's lovely big sister; Auntie Poppy who lives in Weymouth. I'm a big fan of breaks in this country anyway, but whilst Wiggles is small I just can't face taking her abroad just yet. Plus as someone who has (fairly recently) suffered from Deep Vein Thrombosis I have been advised to keep travelling time down for the time being. When we are eventually allowed to fly again I'll be restricted to four hours or less for a little while. But hey, that's just me. Plus this little break was so lovely that it really made very little difference.
The staff were all very friendly and Wiggles and Biscuit enjoyed stroking crabs and starfish as well as getting to meet Octonauts who were this season's star attraction! It was a really great place to visit and well worth our pennies.
We decided that Wiggles might not appreciate too long a car journey all in one go, so to keep her happy and much to Biscuit's excitement we called in at Paulton's Family Theme Park which happens to be the home of.....ta da da da: Peppa Pig World! Housed in a small corner of the park is a section of rides and attractions based around Peppa, her friends and her family. Biscuit LOVED it. I did not. It wasn't that it was bad, just extremely busy. I felt claustrophobic from the sheer number of people all clambering to get to the same places. There were buggies strewn everywhere, queues an hour long, which, with a baby were no fun at all, but perhaps the most wearing thing was the constant piped music. Anyone who's heard the Peppa Pig theme tune will know it's something of an earworm. Alternate it with "Recycle, recycle we love to recycle!" on a constant loop and it's a recipe for imminent insanity!
Packed! |
Biscuit enjoyed it til her heart was content, playing pretty much until the park closed and we gained serious parent points! We then continued our journey to Weymouth. We arrived at Auntie Poppy's, ate a lovely tea and put the small worn out people to bed.
The following day Auntie Poppy had to work, so we headed down to the Weymouth seafront. They certainly make a lot of effort caring for their beach, ensuring it is clean and pleasant, so we dragged out our picnic rug and marked out our spot for some sandcastle making and a picnic. It was fantastic weather and the beach did get rather full, but that's ok. I did feel a little bit of a poor relation with just a picnic rug as most of our beachy neighbours seemed to have elaborate windbreak and sand tents set up, which looked great, but heavy to cart around!
The children had a fantastic time and we stayed put for a good couple of hours enjoying our lunch and the view before deciding to pack up and go for a walk in search of ice cream!
We walked a long way up the seafront and then back through the town centre before heading back for tea with Auntie Poppy.
The result - Santa Baby! |
The next day Poppy came with us to Weymouth Sealife Centre, which was truly excellent, well worth a visit. Especially if you can find a reduced price entry coupon, which we did. We spent the majority of our day here, looking at the varied creatures they have. My personal favourites were the weedy sea dragons, an elegant seahorse which floated around a sparkling tank.
After that we went to a nearby play area with lots of wooden climbing equipment and a big pirate ship for the kids to clamber all over. We relaxed on our picnic blanket and watched them whilst glugging a well earned coffee.
On our final day we packed up out lunch once again and headed out to nearby Portland. To begin with we had a look around the iconic red and white lighthouse that marks out the coastline. Sadly Biscuit was below the height limit up climb the tower which did upset her a little, but I can't say I was too worried. Despite being an interesting place I disliked all the negative posters that were up everywhere telling visitors not to touch, not to stand in certain places not to do this and not to do that. It just seemed such a stark contrast to the Sealife Centre with their wonderful posters dotted around with interesting little nuggets of information about the creatures on display. Frankly it made me want to leave. Hey ho.
Instead we stretched ourselves out on a wonderful little piece of flat grass overlooking the sea. It gave Wiggles the space to practice her walking and she made full use of the lack of obstacles in her way. We spent around four wonderful hours blowing bubbles, flying kites, eating our picnic and enjoying the sea air and sunshine. I haven't had so much fun, or felt so relaxed for a long time. It really was wonderful.
We then decided to visit a rugged little farm nearby with goats, sheep and even wallabies. Both children loved it! Then we headed back to Auntie Poppy's house via yet another adventure playground and had a lovely meal, all together.
We may not have done anything wild, or fantastically exciting or exotic but we all had a brilliant time. Biscuit didn't want to leave. I think it just goes to show that it doesn't matter where your destination is, you could go five minutes down the road from your house and provided you were with the right people you can still have a brilliant time.
Have you got holiday plans this year? Anyone been to Weymouth before? Where's your favourite destination?
Love, love,
Instead we stretched ourselves out on a wonderful little piece of flat grass overlooking the sea. It gave Wiggles the space to practice her walking and she made full use of the lack of obstacles in her way. We spent around four wonderful hours blowing bubbles, flying kites, eating our picnic and enjoying the sea air and sunshine. I haven't had so much fun, or felt so relaxed for a long time. It really was wonderful.
We then decided to visit a rugged little farm nearby with goats, sheep and even wallabies. Both children loved it! Then we headed back to Auntie Poppy's house via yet another adventure playground and had a lovely meal, all together.
Behind you! |
We may not have done anything wild, or fantastically exciting or exotic but we all had a brilliant time. Biscuit didn't want to leave. I think it just goes to show that it doesn't matter where your destination is, you could go five minutes down the road from your house and provided you were with the right people you can still have a brilliant time.
Have you got holiday plans this year? Anyone been to Weymouth before? Where's your favourite destination?
Love, love,
Saturday, 10 August 2013
A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2013.
Both girls displaying their personalities in this picture, Biscuit the cautious one closing her eyes and enjoying some play time. Wiggles in the background going hell for leather, more, more, faster, faster!
32/52 |
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
When did this happen?
The other night Mr Husband and I went to see The World's End at the cinema. It was great, I'd recommend it. But it got me thinking, well, I suppose feeling would be a better word. You see, the central character in the film, played by Simon Pegg, is a bloke called Gary King. A local legend in his own right, but one who's (to put it nicely) a little stuck behind the times. We all know a Gary King. All of us.
And despite being a comedy, a really bloody funny comedy at that, it made me start to reflect on the fact that I'm finally starting to feel like a bit like a grown up myself. That might sound like a strange thing to say, I'm in the middle of my thirties, I'm married, I have not one, but two children, a pretty full on, complex job (albeit only on a part time basis) and, ugh, bills to pay. I should already consider myself a grown up, but no. In some ways, until some undefined point fairly recently, I still felt exactly the same way I did fifteen years ago.
But it seems like people around me have been being sneaky little blighters and have stealthily grown older without my permission. When I think back to my younger days we all seemed so much thinner, some of us hairier (mostly the boys), we could talk enthusiastically all night about things that felt so important, or we'd smoke ourselves thin enough to wear the type of clothes I'd just laugh at now! We'd drink all night then sleep all day. Nothing phased us. We had the clothes, the attitude, the faithful group of friends, we had everything. We were so flippin cool.
And then, almost without realising it, we drifted apart, some of those friendships, the most important ones I suppose, stood the test of time, some didn't. Even though at one point I felt like the friendships I'd forged would never break apart, some did.
Nowadays the thought of spending a night in a bar in town terrifies me. The thought of a hangover fills me with dread. I'm past that point. Now my idea of a great night would involve a big table, a few good friends, some good food, some good wine and a refreshing stroll home.
And you know what? I'm fine with that. I don't miss the old days. If I'd had the confidence I have now, and the body I had then I'd have been dangerous, so I guess, perhaps these things don't collide for very good reason! I'm happy now, I'm settled.
Watching that film I realised that I have grown up. I don't miss the life I had, but I maybe, sometimes, I miss the friendships that have got a little lost along the way.
So, tonight I'm raising a very adult glass of proper wine to the old days. I'm glad they happened and I'm glad to be on this side of them!
A strange post, I know I sort of can't help it. Does everyone feel this way?
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Things My Mother Taught Me....
You only get one Mum, right? I know there are all kinds of Mum's out there, good, bad and indifferent, but I've been blessed with my lovely Mum.
She's a strong Yorkshire woman, from good stock. She's not afraid to speak her mind, not afraid of hard work and not afraid to belt out a tune or impart a pearl of wisdom here and there.
She once made me laugh talking about a friend of hers who'd been looking after her elderly and unwell Mother in Law, she was telling me how she felt bad for her, that it must be awful to be so responsible for someone and to have to care for them 24-7, in a never ending cycle. I pointed out to her that that's exactly what she does for my older brother. He has learning difficulties and lives at home and needs care, attention, time and constant effort. When we first think about entering into Motherhood we imagine our children spreading their wings and flying the nest at 20, say? Maybe 18 if they go to university. Then we get some semblance of life back right? We can enjoy all the things we put on hold to raise our precious bundles. Then we can go on lovely holidays, treat ourselves however we please. Not my Mum. Her commitment to being a Mother goes way beyond that, it's constant. Never ending. And she does it so lightly, like its nothing. To her it's just everyday life, it's just what you do. Nothing is more important than her children. She amazes me.
And like every good Mum she's taught me lessons along the way. To name but a few they are:
1. Whatever your child has done, however naughty they've been, whatever trouble they're in you defend them first and give them "what for" later. Growing up always knew that my Mum had my back.
2. Always cover your bottom. We're not talking figuratively here, you should always have your bottom covered with your clothing. Leggings with your bum hanging out are a no, no, no.
3. Don't be drawn. People love to gossip. People love to put others down for entertainment. Don't be coaxed into those sorts of conversation, never say anything about soneone that you wouldn't be happy to say directly to that person's face.
4. Say it like it is. If someone asks your opinion give it kindly, but tell it straight. Don't mince your words, if someone is behaving badly there's nothing wrong with saying "I think you're being quite rude, is it intentional?" and directness usually shuts people up.
5. You dont need to spend a fortune to look nice. Dress well when you're out. Change clothes into your scruffy stuff when you're home. It's doubles the life of your wardrobe and avoids issues with baby slobber.
6. Give and accept compliments. If someone looks lovely, tell them. If someone compliments you, thank them. Resist "oh this old thing...."
7. Seek the positive. There is a silver lining somewhere. Don't be the sort of person who constantly complains about how rubbish their life is, get your head down and work hard to change things for the better.
8. Don't spend money you don't have. If you want it, save for it. You'll love it more because you earnt it.
9. Never leave the house without mints and tissues. If it doesn't have mints and tissues in its handbag it's not my Mother!!
10. Whisky cures tummy ache. Eventually.
Monday, 5 August 2013
Old School Blogging - Tag You're IT!
One of my favourite all time bloggers is Taby from The Closet Intellectual. Please visit her blog, it's such a fabulously eclectic place, you wont be disappointed. She recently tagged me in an old school blogging game of tag! What could be more exciting?!

Five things I have a passion for:
1. My family. Obvs! They fill me with happiness. Nuff said.
2. Food! I love to eat, to savour, to enjoy, to relish, to scoff, hoover, chow and delight in my food. Food is one of lifes great pleasures.
3. Reading Sherlock Holmes novels and short stories. I also love the the old black and white Basil Rathbone films and Jeremy Brett's portrayal in the television series was excellent. I have a huge passion for Holmes. I do watch the current BBC series with Benedict Cumberbatch (he is delicious) but I tend to end up shouting at the television a bit. Although I do like the hidden references, they amuse me.
4. Baking, making, crocheting, sewing, re-vamping, growing something, making something my own. Breathing new life into something considered lifeless giving something that was once unloved a bit more loving makes me very happy indeed.
5. Getting away from everything! I don't mean going on holiday, I mean getting away from people out into the countryside and walking, through the breeze, fields and emptiness to clear my head and spend proper time alone with my lovely family. Just us.
Five things I would like to do before I die:
1. See every Shakespeare play
2. Climb every mountain...
3. Have enough money to be frivolous...
4. Ride the Orient Express
5. See both my girls grow up, get married and have babies of their own...
Five things I say a lot:
1. Laters!
2. Soz
3. Ah-ha!
4. Bye-I-Love-You-Bye (all one word)
5. She's a homunculus!
Five favourite movies:
1. 10 Rillington Place
2. Basquiat
3. Don't Look Now
3. Withnail & I
4. Muppet's Christmas Carol
Five places I would love to travel:
1. Austria
2. Budapest
3. New York
4. Sweden
5. Mexico
Five people I hope play this Old School Blogging Game:
1. Hayley from Sparkles and Stretchmarks
2. Amy from Cocktails in Teacups
3. Helen from I write this Sitting in the Kitchen Sink
4. Rhiannon from The Sparkly Panda
5. Margot from Margot Tries the Good Life
You heard me ladies - TAG! You're it! Scatter!!!!

1. My family. Obvs! They fill me with happiness. Nuff said.
2. Food! I love to eat, to savour, to enjoy, to relish, to scoff, hoover, chow and delight in my food. Food is one of lifes great pleasures.
3. Reading Sherlock Holmes novels and short stories. I also love the the old black and white Basil Rathbone films and Jeremy Brett's portrayal in the television series was excellent. I have a huge passion for Holmes. I do watch the current BBC series with Benedict Cumberbatch (he is delicious) but I tend to end up shouting at the television a bit. Although I do like the hidden references, they amuse me.
4. Baking, making, crocheting, sewing, re-vamping, growing something, making something my own. Breathing new life into something considered lifeless giving something that was once unloved a bit more loving makes me very happy indeed.
5. Getting away from everything! I don't mean going on holiday, I mean getting away from people out into the countryside and walking, through the breeze, fields and emptiness to clear my head and spend proper time alone with my lovely family. Just us.
Five things I would like to do before I die:
1. See every Shakespeare play
2. Climb every mountain...
3. Have enough money to be frivolous...
4. Ride the Orient Express
5. See both my girls grow up, get married and have babies of their own...
Five things I say a lot:
1. Laters!
2. Soz
3. Ah-ha!
4. Bye-I-Love-You-Bye (all one word)
5. She's a homunculus!
Five favourite movies:
1. 10 Rillington Place
2. Basquiat
3. Don't Look Now
3. Withnail & I
4. Muppet's Christmas Carol
Five places I would love to travel:
1. Austria
2. Budapest
3. New York
4. Sweden
5. Mexico
Five people I hope play this Old School Blogging Game:
1. Hayley from Sparkles and Stretchmarks
2. Amy from Cocktails in Teacups
3. Helen from I write this Sitting in the Kitchen Sink
4. Rhiannon from The Sparkly Panda
5. Margot from Margot Tries the Good Life
You heard me ladies - TAG! You're it! Scatter!!!!

Sunday, 4 August 2013
Saturday, 3 August 2013
A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2013.
Wiggles, a little baby in a big space. Practising walking more and more and more. Biscuit, being "Mother" over a cream tea.
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